Content of Trace Metals and Antioxidative Capacity in the Leaves of Selected Medicinal Plants
Content of Trace Metals and Antioxidative Capacity in the Leaves of Selected Medicinal Plants
Пронађите сличне уносеConference Paper
Пронађите сличне уносе2022-08
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Б. Кукавица, S. Škondrić, T. Trifković, Д. Михајловић, S. Ćirić, M. Šešić, Б. Давидовић-Плавшић, Content of Trace Metals and Antioxidative Capacity in the Leaves of Selected Medicinal Plants, Proceedings Book. Eroglu S., Aksoy E., Güner D., Demiröz D. (eds.). PLANTMETALS Conference and MC Meeting 2022 "The COST Action 19116 Trace metal metabolism in plants". 30th August – 2nd September, 2022, Ankara, Turkey., pp. 66 - 66, Aug, 2022
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PLANTMETALS Conference and MC Meeting 2022 "The COST Action 19116 Trace metal metabolism in plants"
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Пронађите сличне уносеProceedings Book. Eroglu S., Aksoy E., Güner D., Demiröz D. (eds.). PLANTMETALS Conference and MC Meeting 2022 "The COST Action 19116 Trace metal metabolism in plants". 30th August – 2nd September, 2022, Ankara, Turkey.
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