Concentrations of some heavy metals in urban soils and tree leaves from several city areas in the Republic of Srpska
Concentrations of some heavy metals in urban soils and tree leaves from several city areas in the Republic of Srpska
Пронађите сличне уносеConference Paper
Пронађите сличне уносе2020-06
Библиографски цитат
Zorana Hrkić Ilić, Nada Šumatić, Marijana Kapović Solomun, Concentrations of some heavy metals in urban soils and tree leaves from several city areas in the Republic of Srpska, Book of Abstracts of RAD 2020 Conference, Jun, 2020
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Eighth International Conference on Radiation in Various Fields of Research (RAD 2020 Conference)
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Пронађите сличне уносеBook of Abstracts of RAD 2020 Conference
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Position: 5257 (77 views)