Contributions and limitations of Cvijić's methodology in contemporary research of local identities
Contributions and limitations of Cvijić's methodology in contemporary research of local identities
Пронађите сличне уносеConference Paper
Библиографски цитат
Irena Medar Tanjga, Jelenka Pandurević, Contributions and limitations of Cvijić's methodology in contemporary research of local identities, The Balkan Peninsula of Jovan Cvijić: Historical Background and Contemporary Trends ih Human Geography, proceedings of the International Conference held in Tršić Loznica, Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijić SASA Belgrade, pp. 181 - 191, 2018
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The Balkan Peninsula of Jovan Cvijić: Historical Background and Contemporary Trends ih Human Geography
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Пронађите сличне уносеThe Balkan Peninsula of Jovan Cvijić: Historical Background and Contemporary Trends ih Human Geography, proceedings of the International Conference held in Tršić Loznica, Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijić SASA Belgrade
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