Antibiotic Resistance in Catheter-Associated Urinary Infections at the Clinical Center of Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina


Antibiotic Resistance in Catheter-Associated Urinary Infections at the Clinical Center of Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina





Библиографски цитат

A. Verhaz, Р. Шкрбић, С. Стоисављевић-Шатара, Н. Стојаковић, Д. Бабић-ђурић, Л. Нежић, Antibiotic Resistance in Catheter-Associated Urinary Infections at the Clinical Center of Banja Luka - Bosnia and Herzegovina, In: Tulunay FC, Orme M, editors. European Collaboration: Towards Drug Development and Rational Drug Therapy., Jun, 2003


The Proceedings of the Sixth Congress of the European Association for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2003 June 24-28

Је дио

In: Tulunay FC, Orme M, editors. European Collaboration: Towards Drug Development and Rational Drug Therapy.

Листа аутора


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