PrEP Scale-Up and PEP in Central and Eastern Europe: Changes in Time and the Challenges We Face with No Expected HIV Vaccine in the near Future


PrEP Scale-Up and PEP in Central and Eastern Europe: Changes in Time and the Challenges We Face with No Expected HIV Vaccine in the near Future




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D. Gokengin, D. Bursa, A. Skrzat-Klapaczyńska, I. Alexiev, E. Arsikj, T. Balayan, J. Begovac, A. Cicic, G. Dragović-Lukić, A. Harxhi, K. Aimla, B. Lakatos, R. Matulionyte, V. Mulabdić, C. Oprea, A. Papadopoulus, N. Rukhadze, D. Sedlacek, L. Sojak, J. Tomazic, A. Vassilenko, M. Vasyliev, A. Verhaz, A. Verhaz, N. Yancheva, O. Yurin, J. Kowalska, PrEP Scale-Up and PEP in Central and Eastern Europe: Changes in Time and the Challenges We Face with No Expected HIV Vaccine in the near Future, Vaccines , Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1 - 12, Jan, 2023


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