Impact of risk factors on serum levels of vasoactive substances in patient with peripherial arterial occlusive disease at different Fontaines stages
Impact of risk factors on serum levels of vasoactive substances in patient with peripherial arterial occlusive disease at different Fontaines stages
Пронађите сличне уносеAcademic Article
Пронађите сличне уносе2020-03
Библиографски цитат
С. Драгић, Д. Момчичевић, Б. Злојутро, М. Јандрић, Т. Ковачевић, В. Ђајић, A. Gajić, G. Talić, П. Ковачевић, Impact of risk factors on serum levels of vasoactive substances in patient with peripherial arterial occlusive disease at different Fontaines stages, Acta Angiologica, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 102 - 107, Mar, 2020
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Пронађите сличне уносеActa Angiologica
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