A Study of the Correlation between the Amplification of the Fe Kα Line and the X-Ray Continuum of Quasars due to Microlensing
A Study of the Correlation between the Amplification of the Fe Kα Line and the X-Ray Continuum of Quasars due to Microlensing
Пронађите сличне уносеAcademic Article
Пронађите сличне уносе2006-02
Библиографски цитат
L. Popović, P. Jovanović, E. Mediavilla, A. Zakharov, C. Abajas, J. Munoz, G. Chartas, A Study of the Correlation between the Amplification of the Fe Kα Line and the X-Ray Continuum of Quasars due to Microlensing, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 637, No. 2, pp. 620 - 630, Feb, 2006
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Пронађите сличне уносеASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL
Пронађите сличне уносе0004-637X
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