Domesticating public space - A tool to experiment neighborhood adaptability to emerging spatial and social changes
Domesticating public space - A tool to experiment neighborhood adaptability to emerging spatial and social changes
The physical proximity and social closeness of neighbors usually implies interactions and conflicts that reflect complex relationships of interest based on trust. However, with the appearance of new functions and newcomers, everyday life also changes. In this context, there emerges the question of resilience to new functions and new models of using public spaces (as multi-functional places of interaction). The project predicts an experimental approach including the identification and analysis of the values and potentials of the specific spatial and social situation of the public space of the neighborhood, and the reaction through the concept of small-scale urban intervention. The result is a series of model options for urban design in function of possible scenarios. A small urban intervention is integrated into the context so it responds to direct and tangible issues of everyday neighborhood life, but the approach can also serve as a model for verification over a wide area.
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P. Stamenović, I. Kuvač, S. Peulić, N. Jeremić, J. Rajović, Đ. Jovanović, A. Janičić, N. Hassam Dorsen, K. Komljen, B. Todić, Z. Uljarević, Domesticating public space - A tool to experiment neighborhood adaptability to emerging spatial and social changes, Future Architecture Platform; Muzej za Arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 2021
Future Architecture Platform; Muzej za Arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Колективна жирирана изложба (међународна)
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Position: 6256 (75 views)