Insurance information provision and health information seeking behavior among older population in rural areas of Republic of Srpska


Insurance information provision and health information seeking behavior among older population in rural areas of Republic of Srpska


S. Stojisavljević, Insurance information provision and health information seeking behavior among older population in rural areas of Republic of Srpska, Menaџер пројекта и главни истраживач, ЈЗУ Институт за јавно здравство и Alliance for HEalth Policy and System Research, WHO, 2021.





Библиографски цитат

S. Stojisavljević, Insurance information provision and health information seeking behavior among older population in rural areas of Republic of Srpska, Menaџер пројекта и главни истраживач, ЈЗУ Институт за јавно здравство и Alliance for HEalth Policy and System Research, WHO, 2021


Menaџер пројекта и главни истраживач


ЈЗУ Институт за јавно здравство и Alliance for HEalth Policy and System Research, WHO

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