Mirjanic-Azaric B, Stankovic S, Nezic L, Radic Savic Z, et al. Assessment of the diagnostic value of serum cathepsin S and its correlation with HDL subclasses in patients with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.


Mirjanic-Azaric B, Stankovic S, Nezic L, Radic Savic Z, et al. Assessment of the diagnostic value of serum cathepsin S and its correlation with HDL subclasses in patients with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.





Библиографски цитат

Б. Мирјанић-Азарић, С. Станковић, Ž. Radić, Д. Малчић Занић, А. Нинић, Mirjanic-Azaric B, Stankovic S, Nezic L, Radic Savic Z, et al. Assessment of the diagnostic value of serum cathepsin S and its correlation with HDL subclasses in patients with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma., JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 2024

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