A scoping review of the links between early childhood caries and clean water and sanitation: the Sustainable Development Goal 6


A scoping review of the links between early childhood caries and clean water and sanitation: the Sustainable Development Goal 6





Библиографски цитат

Y. Crystal, Y. Luo, D. Duangthip, M. El Tantawi, H. Benzian, R. Schroth, C. Feldens, J. Virtanen, O. Al-Batayneh, A. Diaz, A. Vukovic, V. Pavlić, T. Mfolo, H. Daryanavard, B. Gaffar, A. Shamala, M. Foláyan, A scoping review of the links between early childhood caries and clean water and sanitation: the Sustainable Development Goal 6, BMC Oral Health, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2024


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