Effects of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone cells in broilers chronically exposed to heat stress: an immunohistomorphometric and hormonal study
Effects of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone cells in broilers chronically exposed to heat stress: an immunohistomorphometric and hormonal study
Пронађите сличне уносеAcademic Article
Пронађите сличне уносе2024-03
Библиографски цитат
Ј. Чукурановић Кокорис, З. Ружић, З. Каначки, С. Стојановић, S. Paraš, В. Милошевић, Effects of vitamin C and early-age thermal conditioning on pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone cells in broilers chronically exposed to heat stress: an immunohistomorphometric and hormonal study, Veterinary Research Forum , Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 125 - 130, Mar, 2024
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