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"Alma Redžić"
Socioekonomske karakteristike adolescenata koji konzumiraju alkohol (2003-12)
M. Spremo, I. Ličanin, A. Redžić, A. Vejzagić, Socioekonomske karakteristike adolescenata koji konzumiraju alkohol, Medicinski žurnal, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 55 - 60, Dec, 2003 -
Psychosocial caracteristics of youngsters who abuse cannabis (2003-05)
M. Spremo, I. Ličanin, A. Redžić, Đ. Jasna, Psychosocial caracteristics of youngsters who abuse cannabis, Abstract book, May, 2003 -
Some aspects of adolescents risk behaviour related to drug, alcohol and tobacco in Sarajevo, (2007-04)
M. Spremo, I. Ličanin, A. Redžić, Some aspects of adolescents risk behaviour related to drug, alcohol and tobacco in Sarajevo,, The Journal of the associatin of Europian psychiatrist, Absract book, Apr, 2007