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"Biljana Mirković"
Susceptibility to Visual Merchandising and Compulsive Buying: Examining the Mediating Effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivations (2019-03)
Ј. Достанић, B. Mirković, Susceptibility to Visual Merchandising and Compulsive Buying: Examining the Mediating Effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivations, In Damjanović, K., Tošković, O. and Marković, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology (Beograd, 29TH – 31ST, March 2019), Beograd: Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade, pp. 115 - 117, Mar, 2019 -
Оптимизам, песимизам и Великих пет као предиктори начина суочавања запослених са стресом (2019-04)
B. Mirković, К. Сувајџиђ, Ј. Достанић, Оптимизам, песимизам и Великих пет као предиктори начина суочавања запослених са стресом, У Јелић, М. и Томас, Ј. (Ур.) Књига сажетака “24. Дани Рамира и Зорана Бујаса” (Међународни психологијски знанствени скуп, Загреб, 11. – 13. травња 2019.), Загреб: Филозофски факултет, Свеучилиште у Загребу, Одсјек за психологију, pp. 164 - 164, Apr, 2019 -
Personal and situational correlates of burnout of workers in production (2019-09)
B. Mirković, Personal and situational correlates of burnout of workers in production, In Todorović, J., Hedrih, V. & Đorić, S. (Eds.) International Thematic Proceedia 14th International Conference Days of Applied Psychology 2018 “Modern age and competencies of psychologists” (Niš, September 28th-29th 2018), Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, pp. 275 - 289, Sep, 2019 -
Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Moderating Role of Organizational Justice (2020-10)
B. Mirković, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: Moderating Role of Organizational Justice, Proceedings of the XXVI Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology, pp. 87 - 89, Oct, 2020 -
Work Interference with Personal Life and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction (2021-05)
B. Mirković, Work Interference with Personal Life and Turnover Intention: Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction, In Videnović, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXVII scientific conference: Empirical studies in psychology. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade., pp. 59 - 61, May, 2021 -
Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Healthcare Workers (2021-06)
Д. Ђурић, B. Mirković, Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Job Satisfaction of Healthcare Workers, In Kojić, D. (Ed.), Proceedings - International conference on social and technological development (Trebinje, June, 03-06, 2021) (pp. 690-698 ), Banja Luka: University PIM., pp. 690 - 698, Jun, 2021 -
Demographic characteristics and job satisfaction of primary school teachers (2021-09)
B. Mirković, I. Zečević, N. Marinković, Demographic characteristics and job satisfaction of primary school teachers, International Thematic Proceedia “Psychology in the world of science” (16th Days of Applied Psychology, Niš, Serbia, September 25th & 26th 2020), Niš: University of Niš., pp. 129 - 143, Sep, 2021 -
Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Work-Life Balance of Healthcare Workers (2021-09)
B. Mirković, D. Đurić, Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Work-Life Balance of Healthcare Workers, In Janković, I., Spasić Šnele, M. (Eds.), Book of abstracts 17th International Conference Days of Applied Psychology 2021 “Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society”, Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, pp. 152 - 153, Sep, 2021 -
Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Job Demands and Work-Life Balance of Healthcare Workers (2021-09)
B. Mirković, D. Đurić, Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Job Demands and Work-Life Balance of Healthcare Workers, In Janković, I. & Ćirković, N. (Eds.) International Thematic Proceedia 17th Days of applied psychology 2021 “Psychology in the function of the well-being of the individual and society”, pp. 227 - 245, Sep, 2021 -
Supportive Leadership and Affective Organizational Commitment: Moderating Role of Organizational Justice (2022-03)
B. Mirković, Supportive Leadership and Affective Organizational Commitment: Moderating Role of Organizational Justice, In Videnović, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXVIII scientific conference: Empirical studies in psychology. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade., pp. 84 - 86, Mar, 2022 -
Relation Between Job Demands, Job Resource and Work Engagement of Healthcare Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic (2022-04)
D. Đurić, B. Mirković, Relation Between Job Demands, Job Resource and Work Engagement of Healthcare Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic, In Videnović, M. (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXVIII scientific conference: Empirical studies in psychology. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade., pp. 80 - 83, Apr, 2022 -
Work Engagement of Healthcare Workers: Do the Work Role and Socio-Demographic Characteristics Make a Difference? (2022-06)
D. Đurić, B. Mirković, Work Engagement of Healthcare Workers: Do the Work Role and Socio-Demographic Characteristics Make a Difference?, In Kojić, D. & Sredić, D. (Eds.), Proceedings – XI International Conference on Social and Technological Development – STED 2022 (Trebinje, June, 02-05, 2022)”, University PIM, Banja Luka, pp. 664 - 673, Jun, 2022 -
Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Optimism (2022-09)
B. Mirković, Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Optimism, In Pedović, I. and Stojadinović, M. (Eds.), Book of abstracts „18th International Conference Days of Applied Psychology 2022“ (Niš 23rd-24th September, 2022), Niš: Department of psychology, University of Niš, pp. 105 - 105, Sep, 2022 -
Job Demands, Job Resources and Personal Resources as Determinants of Burnout of Healthcare Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic (2022-09)
D. Đurić, B. Mirković, Job Demands, Job Resources and Personal Resources as Determinants of Burnout of Healthcare Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic, In Pedović, I. and Stojadinović, M. (Eds.), Book of abstracts „18th International Conference Days of Applied Psychology 2022“ (Niš 23rd-24th September, 2022)", pp. 106 - 106, Sep, 2022 -
Задовољство послом, стрес и сагоријевање наставника (2020)
Б. Мирковић, И. Зечевић, N. Marinković, Задовољство послом, стрес и сагоријевање наставника, Филозофски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, 2020 -
Relations Between Big Five Personality Traits Model and Achievement Motive in Athletes (Relacion de la dimension de personalidad del modelo de los cinco grandes y la motivacion de logro en los deportistas). (2019)
Б. Мирковић, S. Radetić-Lovrić, Relations Between Big Five Personality Traits Model and Achievement Motive in Athletes (Relacion de la dimension de personalidad del modelo de los cinco grandes y la motivacion de logro en los deportistas)., Физичка култура, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 222 - 229, 2019 -
The Big Five Personality Traits as Determinants of Teachers’ Achievement Motivation (2020)
Б. Мирковић, И. Зечевић, N. Marinković, The Big Five Personality Traits as Determinants of Teachers’ Achievement Motivation, NASTAVA I VASPITANJE, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 171 - 182, 2020 -
Međuodnos porodične okupljenosti i fiksacija libida i njihov značaj u formiranju (anti)intraceptivne orijentacije (2016)
Ђ. Чекрлија, Д. Ђурић, Б. Мирковић, Međuodnos porodične okupljenosti i fiksacija libida i njihov značaj u formiranju (anti)intraceptivne orijentacije, Зборник радова „Вредности и идентитет“ (V Међународни научни скуп „Вредности и идентитет“, Нови Сад, 13. и 14. новембар 2015.), pp. 21 - 39, 2016 -
Испитивање односа преференција боја са самопоштовањем и самозадовољством (2019-04)
Ђ. Чекрлија, Л. Вујаковић, Б. Мирковић, Испитивање односа преференција боја са самопоштовањем и самозадовољством, У Јелић, М. и Томас, Ј. (Ур.) Књига сажетака “24. Дани Рамира и Зорана Бујаса” (Међународни психологијски знанствени скуп, Загреб, 11. – 13. травња 2019.), Загреб: Филозофски факултет, Свеучилиште у Загребу, Одсјек за психологију, pp. 151 - 151, Apr, 2019 -
The relation between socio-demographic characteristics and burnout of primary school teachers (2020-09)
Н. Маринковић, Б. Мирковић, И. Зечевић, The relation between socio-demographic characteristics and burnout of primary school teachers, In Ranđelović, K. & Dosković, M. (Eds.) International Thematic Proceedia 15th Days of applied psychology 2019 “Psychological research and practice”, Niš: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, pp. 35 - 51, Sep, 2020