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"D Rakić"
Scope of MPI/OpenMP/CUDA parallelization of harmonic coupled finite strip method applied on large displacement stability analysis of prismatic shell structures (2012)
M. Hajduković, D. Milašinović, M. Nikolić, P. Rakić, Ž. Živanov, L. Stričević, Scope of MPI/OpenMP/CUDA parallelization of harmonic coupled finite strip method applied on large displacement stability analysis of prismatic shell structures, COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 741 - 761, 2012 -
Wahhabism as a Militant Form of Islam on Europe’s Doorstep (2012)
M. Rakić, D. Jurišić, Wahhabism as a Militant Form of Islam on Europe’s Doorstep, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 650 - 663, 2012 -
Testiranje robusnosti metode tečne hromatografije za određivanje itrakonazola i njegovih nečistoća primenom frakcionog faktorskog dizajna (2012-02)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, M. Jovanović, Т. Rakić, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Testiranje robusnosti metode tečne hromatografije za određivanje itrakonazola i njegovih nečistoća primenom frakcionog faktorskog dizajna, Arhiv za farmaciju, Vol. 62, No. 5, pp. 475 - 488, Feb, 2012 -
Large displacement stability analysis of thin plate structures: Scope of MPI/OpenMP parallelization in harmonic coupled finite strip analysis (2013)
D. Milašinović, A. Borković, Ž. Živanov, P. Rakić, M. Nikolić, L. Stričević, M. Hajduković, Large displacement stability analysis of thin plate structures: Scope of MPI/OpenMP parallelization in harmonic coupled finite strip analysis, ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE, Vol. 66, pp. 40 - 51, 2013 -
Chemometrically assissted optimization and validation of RP–HPLC method for the analysis of itraconazole and its impurities (2013-06)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, A. Malenović, М. Јovanović, Т. Rakić, B. Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Chemometrically assissted optimization and validation of RP–HPLC method for the analysis of itraconazole and its impurities, ACTA PHARMACEUTICA, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 159 - 173, Jun, 2013 -
Comparison of full factorial desing, central composite desing and Box Behenken desing in cromatographic method development for the analysis of fluconazole and its impurities (2014-02)
Т. Rakić, I. Kasagić-Vujanović, М. Jovanović, B. Jančić Stojanović, D. Ivanović, Comparison of full factorial desing, central composite desing and Box Behenken desing in cromatographic method development for the analysis of fluconazole and its impurities, ANALYTICAL LETTERS: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR RAPID COMMUNICATION, Vol. 47, No. 8, pp. 1334 - 1347, Feb, 2014 -
Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipin besylate and bisoprolol fumarate (2015-02)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, T. Rakić, D. Ivanović, Desing of experiments in optimization and validation of a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography method for determination of amlodipin besylate and bisoprolol fumarate, Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 919 - 928, Feb, 2015 -
The intrinsic Baldwin effect in broad Balmer lines of six long-term monitored AGNs (2017-07)
N. Rakić, G. La Mura, D. Ilić, A. I. Shapovalova, W. Kollatschny, P. Rafanelli, L. Č. Popović, The intrinsic Baldwin effect in broad Balmer lines of six long-term monitored AGNs, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Vol. 603, No. A49, pp. 1 - 12, Jul, 2017 -
The intrinsic Baldwin effect in NLSy1 galaxies (2018)
N. Rakić, D. Ilić, L. Popović, The intrinsic Baldwin effect in NLSy1 galaxies, Proceedings of Science, No. PoS(NLS1-2018)05, pp. 1 - 6, 2018 -
Spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of AGN: from observations to modelling (2018-10)
Л. Поповић, D. Ilić, E. Bon, N. Bon, P. Jovanović, A. Kovačević, J. Kovačević-Dojčinović, M. Lakičević, S. Marčeta-Mandić, N. Rakić, Đ. Savić, S. Simić, M. Stalevski, Spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of AGN: from observations to modelling, Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade , Vol. 98, pp. 49 - 58, Oct, 2018 -
Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap (2019-07)
GWniverse collaboration, N. Rakić, Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap, CLASSICALAND QUANTUM GRAVITY, Vol. 36, No. 14, pp. 1 - 178, Jul, 2019 -
A flare in the optical spotted in the changing-look Seyfert NGC 3516 (2020-06)
D. Ilić, v. Oknyansky, Л. Поповић, S. Tsygankov, A. Belinski, A. Tatarnikov, A. Dodin, N. Shatsky, N. Ikonnikova, N. Rakić, A. Kovačević, S. Marčeta-Mandić, M. Burlak, E. Mishin, N. Metlova, S. Potanin, S. Zheltoukhov, A flare in the optical spotted in the changing-look Seyfert NGC 3516, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Vol. 638, No. A13, pp. 1 - 7, Jun, 2020 -
creative approach to engage on scientific topics – Cultural Collisions Online (2022-05)
M. Hoch, J. Batista, M. Hadžimehmedović, I. Puljak, N. Rakić, C. Schafer, M. Storr, A. Gazibegović Busuladžić, N. Godinović, creative approach to engage on scientific topics – Cultural Collisions Online, Proceedings of Science, Vol. 398, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2022 -
Kinematics of the H α and H β broad-line region in an SDSS sample of type-1 AGNs (2022-10)
N. Rakić, Kinematics of the H α and H β broad-line region in an SDSS sample of type-1 AGNs, MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 516, No. 2, pp. 1624 - 1634, Oct, 2022 -
Hydrogen Storage Capacity and Shape of the Classical Molecule Trajectories (2009-08)
Milan Popović, Milan Gligorić, Nemanja Rakić, Hydrogen Storage Capacity and Shape of the Classical Molecule Trajectories, Aug, 2009 -
A Finite-Strip Analysis of Nonlinear Shear-Lag Effect Supported by Automatic Visualization (2010)
D. Milašinović, Ž. Živanov, P. Rakić, Z. Suvajdžin, M. Nikolić, A. Borković, I. Milaković, A Finite-Strip Analysis of Nonlinear Shear-Lag Effect Supported by Automatic Visualization, Proceedings of Тhe Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 2010 -
Large Displacement Stability Analysis of Columns using the Harmonic Coupled Finite - Strip Method (2011)
D. Milašinović, A. Borković, Ž. Živanov, P. Rakić, M. Hajduković, B. Furtula, Large Displacement Stability Analysis of Columns using the Harmonic Coupled Finite - Strip Method, 2011 -
QbD principles in validation of LC method for raloxifen and its impurities determination (2011-11)
B. Stojanović, T. Rakić, M. Šober, I. Kasagić-Vujanović, D. Ivanović, QbD principles in validation of LC method for raloxifen and its impurities determination, Zbornik radova - proceedings II Kongresa farmaceuta Bosne i Hercegovine, pp. 102 - 104, Nov, 2011 -
Rheological-Dynamical Limit Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures using the Harmonic Coupled Finite-Strip Method (2012)
D. Milašinović, D. Goleš, A. Borković, D. Kukaras, A. Landović, Ž. Živanov, P. Rakić, Rheological-Dynamical Limit Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Folded Plate Structures using the Harmonic Coupled Finite-Strip Method, Proceedings of "The Eleventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", 2012 -
Пројектовање пропуста као објеката за пролаз дивљих животиња испод путева (2012-09)
Н. Поповић-Ракић, М. Ракић, Н. Поповић-Милетић, Пројектовање пропуста као објеката за пролаз дивљих животиња испод путева, Трећи БиХ конгрес о цестама, Зборник радова, Издавач: Удружење консултаната инжењера Босне и Херцеговине, Сарајево, pp. 69 (1) - 69 (9), Sep, 2012