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"J. Kovačević"
Treatment of Critically III Patients with Influeenza A H1N1 in University Hospital Banja Luka (2010-11)
J. Vidović, P. Kovačević, M. Stanetć, Z. Rajkovača, B. Zlojutro, Treatment of Critically III Patients with Influeenza A H1N1 in University Hospital Banja Luka, Acta medica Saliniana, Vol. 40, No. suppl 1, pp. S49 - S51, Nov, 2010 -
Forensic DNA databases in Western Balkan region: retrospectives, perspectives and initiatives (2011)
D. Marjanovic, R. Konjhodzic, S. Butorac, K. Drobnic, S. Merkas, G. Lauc, D. Primorac, S. Andjelinovic, M. Milosavljevic, Z. Karan, S. Vidović, O. Stojkovic, B. Panic, A. Vucetic Dragovic, S. Kovacevic, Z. Jakovski, C. Asplen, D. Primorac, Forensic DNA databases in Western Balkan region: retrospectives, perspectives and initiatives, CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 52, pp. 235 - 244, 2011 -
Efekti azot monoksida na fiziologiju disanja (2011)
P. Kovačević, M. Stanetić, Z. Rajkovača, M. Radenković, S. Veljković, Efekti azot monoksida na fiziologiju disanja, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, pp. 301 - 305, 2011 -
Efekti endotelina – 1 na fiziologiju disanja (2011)
P. Kovačević, M. Stanetić, Z. Rajkovača, M. Radenković, S. Veljković, Efekti endotelina – 1 na fiziologiju disanja, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, pp. 305 - 310, 2011 -
Spectral optical monitoring of 3C 390.3 in 1995-2007. II. Variability of the spectral line parameters (2011-04)
L. Popović, A. Shapovalova, D. Ilić, A. Kovačević, W. Kollatschny, A. Burenkov, V. Chavushyan, N. Bochkarev, J. Leon-Tavares, Spectral optical monitoring of 3C 390.3 in 1995-2007. II. Variability of the spectral line parameters, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Vol. 528, pp. 1 - 25, Apr, 2011 -
Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom kao komplikacija primarne Varicella Zoster virus infekcije kod trudnice (2011-05)
P. Kovačević, J. Vidović, M. Krunić, B. Zlojutro, Ž. Erić, Z. Rajkovača, M. Stanetić, A. Verhaz, Akutni respiratorni distres sindrom kao komplikacija primarne Varicella Zoster virus infekcije kod trudnice, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 128 - 132, May, 2011 -
Optical Emission-line Properties of a Sample of the Broad-line Active Galactic Nuclei: The Baldwin Effect and Eigenvector 1 (2011-09)
L. Popović, J. Kovačević, Optical Emission-line Properties of a Sample of the Broad-line Active Galactic Nuclei: The Baldwin Effect and Eigenvector 1, ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 738, No. 1, pp. 1 - 12, Sep, 2011 -
Uticaj metaboličkog sindroma na pojavu ishemijskog moždanog udara (2011-10)
M. Vujnić, N. Rašeta, M. Kulauzov, D. Račić, B. Mirjanić-Azarić, A. Dominović-Kovačević, Uticaj metaboličkog sindroma na pojavu ishemijskog moždanog udara, SCRIPTA MEDICA, Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 80 - 83, Oct, 2011 -
Broad emission lines: A tool for studying nuclei of active galaxies (2012)
D. Ilić, L. Popović, A. Shapovalova, A. Burenkov, W. Kollatschny, A. Kovačević, V. Chavushyan, G. La Mura, P. Rafanelli, Broad emission lines: A tool for studying nuclei of active galaxies, Journal of physics. Conference series (Print), Vol. 397, pp. 1 - 11, 2012 -
The properties of emission lines and their correlations in spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (2012)
J. Kovačević, L. Popović, The properties of emission lines and their correlations in spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei, Journal of physics. Conference series (Print), Vol. 399, pp. 1 - 7, 2012 -
Searching for Periodicities in AGN (2012)
A. Kovačević, L. Popović, Searching for Periodicities in AGN, Publications of the Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic",, Vol. 11, pp. 153 - 156, 2012 -
The Fe II Lines in AGN Spectra (2012)
J. Kovačević, L. Popović, M. Dimitrijević, The Fe II Lines in AGN Spectra, Publications of the Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic",, Vol. 11, pp. 141 - 146, 2012 -
Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC) and Stark-B Database, (2012)
M. Dimitrijević, S. Sahal-Brechot, A. Kovačević, D. Jevremović, L. Popović, M. Dubernet, Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center (VAMDC) and Stark-B Database,, Publications of the Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic",, Vol. 11, pp. 13 - 23, 2012 -
Photocentric variability of quasars caused by variations in their inner structure: consequences for Gaia measurements (2012-02)
L. Popović, P. Jovanović, M. Stalevski, S. Anton, A. Andrei, J. Kovačević, M. Baes, Photocentric variability of quasars caused by variations in their inner structure: consequences for Gaia measurements, ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, Vol. 538, pp. 1 - 11, Feb, 2012 -
The maximum step advancement defiwing with mechanized hydraulic roof supports (MHRS) within conditions of mine "Strmosten" (2012-05)
J. Miljanović, S. Kokerić, R. Guberinić, I. Živojinović- Miljanović, Ž. Kovačević, The maximum step advancement defiwing with mechanized hydraulic roof supports (MHRS) within conditions of mine "Strmosten", Technical Institute of Bijeljina, Archives for Technical Sciences, No. 7, pp. 35 - 42, May, 2012 -
Novo azot monoksida u krvi kod mehanički ventiliranih boleesnika oboljelih od akutnog respiratornog distresa (2012-05)
P. Kovačević, J. Vidović, S. Dragić, M. Stanetć, Z. Rajkovača, G. Guzjan, S. Avram, Novo azot monoksida u krvi kod mehanički ventiliranih boleesnika oboljelih od akutnog respiratornog distresa, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 2, No. 1-2, pp. 39 - 42, May, 2012 -
Assesment of the application of recombinat human thyrotropin in the folloe-up of patients with well-diferented thyroid carcinoma (2012-11)
Z. Rajkovača, P. Kovačević, M. Stanetić, S. Ristić, Assesment of the application of recombinat human thyrotropin in the folloe-up of patients with well-diferented thyroid carcinoma, VOJNOSANITETSKI PREGLED, Vol. 69, pp. 941 - 946, Nov, 2012 -
Characteristics and outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia: impact of newly established multidisciplinary intensive care units (2012-12)
M. Kojičić, P. Kovačević, N. Bajramović, U. Batranović, J. Vidović, K. Aganović, S. Gavrilović, B. Zlojutro, G. Thiery, Characteristics and outcome of mechanically ventilated patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia: impact of newly established multidisciplinary intensive care units, CROATIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 620 - 626, Dec, 2012 -
The broad line emission from the AGN 3C 390.3: complex broad-line region and perturbation in accretion disk (2013-02)
D. Ilić, L. Popović, A. Shapovalova, A. Burenkov, V. Chavushyan, A. Kovačević, W. Kollatschny, The broad line emission from the AGN 3C 390.3: complex broad-line region and perturbation in accretion disk, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Vol. 8, No. S290, pp. 205 - 206, Feb, 2013 -
Tuberkulozni mijelitis kao prva manifestacijatuberkuloze (2013-05)
D. Momčićević, D. Sandić, J. Vidović, S. Dragić, T. Kovačević, Z. Kezić, Tuberkulozni mijelitis kao prva manifestacijatuberkuloze, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 3, pp. 236 - 240, May, 2013