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"M Kovačević"
Homocystein as a Risk Factor for Developing Complications in Chronic Renal Failure. Materia Socio Medica (2015-04)
B. Jakovljević, B. Gašić, P. Kovačević, Z. Rajkovača, T. Kovačević, Homocystein as a Risk Factor for Developing Complications in Chronic Renal Failure. Materia Socio Medica, Materia socio-medica (Print), Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 95 - 98, Apr, 2015 -
Koronarna bolest srca i hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća (2015-05)
T. Kovačević-Preradović, B. Stanetić, P. Kovačević, Koronarna bolest srca i hronična opstruktivna bolest pluća, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, pp. 87 - 94, May, 2015 -
A Case of Riedel's Thyroiditis (2016)
Z. Rajkovača, R. Gajanin, I. Pavković, P. Kovačević, T. Kovačević, A Case of Riedel's Thyroiditis, ACTA ENDOCRINOLOGICA-BUCHAREST, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 339 - 343, 2016 -
Therapeutic monitoring of amikacin and gentamicin in critically and noncritically ill patients (2016)
T. Kovačević, P. Kovačević, A. Sanja, D. Milaković, N. Špirić, Therapeutic monitoring of amikacin and gentamicin in critically and noncritically ill patients, Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 65 - 69, 2016 -
Akutni diseminovani encefalomijelitis kao uzrok respiratorne insuficijencije – prikaz slučaja (2016-05)
P. Kovačević, S. Dragić, M. Stanetić, D. Momčičević, T. Kovačević, J. Jevđić, A. Knežević, Akutni diseminovani encefalomijelitis kao uzrok respiratorne insuficijencije – prikaz slučaja, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 256 - 260, May, 2016 -
Prognostički faktori za ishod liječenja oboljelih od akutnog respiratornog distres sindroma u sezoni gripa 2016. godine (2016-05)
P. Kovačević, S. Dragić, M. Stanetić, D. Momčičević, T. Kovačević, B. Milošević, Prognostički faktori za ishod liječenja oboljelih od akutnog respiratornog distres sindroma u sezoni gripa 2016. godine, ČASOPIS UDRUŽENJA PULMOLOGA REPUBLIKE SRPSKE, Vol. 6, No. 1-2, pp. 70 - 75, May, 2016 -
Lijecenje hipofosfatemije kod nehiruriskih kriticno oboljelih u UKC RS (2018)
T. Kovačević, P. Kovačević, B. Tomic, S. Dragic, D. Momčičević, Lijecenje hipofosfatemije kod nehiruriskih kriticno oboljelih u UKC RS, RESPIRATION, pp. 93 - 99, 2018 -
The Effect of Hypoalbuminemia on the Therapeutic Concentration and Dosage of Vancomycin in Critically Ill Septic Patients in Low-Resource Countries (2019)
T. Kovačević, B. Miljkovic, M. Mikov, S. Stojisavljević-Šatara, S. Dragic, D. Momcicevic, P. Kovačević, The Effect of Hypoalbuminemia on the Therapeutic Concentration and Dosage of Vancomycin in Critically Ill Septic Patients in Low-Resource Countries, DOSE-RESPONSE, pp. 0 - 0, 2019 -
Microorganisms Profile and Antibiotics Sensitivity Patterns in the Only Medical Intensive Care Unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019)
P. Kovačević, T. Kovačević, B. Zlojutro, G. Baric, S. Dragic, D. Momcicevic, Microorganisms Profile and Antibiotics Sensitivity Patterns in the Only Medical Intensive Care Unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE-MECHANISMS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DISEASE, pp. 0 - 0, 2019 -
An Alternative Approach to Treatment of Hypophosphatemia in Nonsurgical Critically Ill Patients in Countries With Limited Resources (2019)
T. Kovačević, P. Kovačević, B. Tomic, S. Dragic, D. Momcicevic, An Alternative Approach to Treatment of Hypophosphatemia in Nonsurgical Critically Ill Patients in Countries With Limited Resources, DOSE-RESPONSE, pp. 0 - 0, 2019 -
Impact of weekly case-based tele-education on quality of care in a limited resource medical intensive care unit (2019)
T. Kovačević, P. Kovačević, S. Dragic, D. Momcicevic, E. Festic, R. Kashyap, A. S. Niven, Y. Dong, O. Gajic, Impact of weekly case-based tele-education on quality of care in a limited resource medical intensive care unit, CRITICAL CARE, pp. 0 - 0, 2019 -
An Alternative Approach to Treatment of Hypophosphatemia in Nonsurgical Critically Ill Patients in Countries With Limited Resources (2019-05)
T. Kovačević, P. Kovačević, B. Tomic, S. Dragić, D. Momčičević, An Alternative Approach to Treatment of Hypophosphatemia in Nonsurgical Critically Ill Patients in Countries With Limited Resources, DOSE-RESPONSE, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1 - 2, May, 2019 -
The Effect of Hypoalbuminemia on the Therapeutic Concentration and Dosage of Vancomycin in Critically Ill Septic Patients in Low-Resource Countries (2019-05)
T. Kovačević, B. Miljkovic, M. Mikov, S. Stoisavljević-Šatara, S. Dragić, D. Momčičević, P. Kovačević, The Effect of Hypoalbuminemia on the Therapeutic Concentration and Dosage of Vancomycin in Critically Ill Septic Patients in Low-Resource Countries, DOSE-RESPONSE, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 1 - 6, May, 2019 -
Predictive significance of tissue hypoperfusion markers in different shock types in low income countries (2019-06)
D. Momčičević, T. Kovačević, S. Dragic, J. Cavka, P. Kovačević, Predictive significance of tissue hypoperfusion markers in different shock types in low income countries, MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK, pp. 0 - 0, Jun, 2019 -
Impact of weekly case-based tele-education on quality of care in a limited resource medical intensive care unit (2019-06)
P. Kovačević, S. Dragić, T. Kovačević, D. Momčičević, E. Festic, R. Kashyap, A. Niven, Y. Dong, O. Gajic, Impact of weekly case-based tele-education on quality of care in a limited resource medical intensive care unit, JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 220 - 220, Jun, 2019 -
Predictive significance of tissue hypoperfusion markers in different shock types in low income countries (2019-06)
D. Momčičević, T. Kovačević, S. Dragić, J. Čavka, P. Kovačević, Predictive significance of tissue hypoperfusion markers in different shock types in low income countries, STED Journal, Vol. 115, No. 4, pp. 307 - 311, Jun, 2019 -
Microorganisms Profile and Antibiotics Sensitivity Patterns in the Only Medical Intensive Care Unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019-10)
P. Kovačević, B. Zlojutro, T. Kovačević, G. Baric, S. Dragić, D. Momčičević, Microorganisms Profile and Antibiotics Sensitivity Patterns in the Only Medical Intensive Care Unit in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Microbial Drug Resistance (MDR), Vol. 25, No. 8, pp. 1176 - 1181, Oct, 2019 -
Population pharmacokinetic model of Vancomycin based on therapeutic drug monitoring data in critically ill septic patients (2020)
T. Kovačević, B. Miljkovic, P. Kovačević, S. Dragic, D. Momcicevic, S. Avram, M. Jovanovic, K. Vucicevic, Population pharmacokinetic model of Vancomycin based on therapeutic drug monitoring data in critically ill septic patients, JOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE, pp. 116 - 121, 2020 -
Impact of Checklist for Early Recognition and Treatment of Acute Illness on Treatment of Critically Ill Septic Patients in a Low-Resource Medical Intensive Care Unit (2020)
P. Kovačević, M. Jandrić, T. Kovačević, D. Momčičević, B. Zlojutro, G. Barić, S. Dragić, Impact of Checklist for Early Recognition and Treatment of Acute Illness on Treatment of Critically Ill Septic Patients in a Low-Resource Medical Intensive Care Unit, MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE-MECHANISMS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND DISEASE, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 1203 - 1206, 2020 -
Serum levels of nitric oxide and endothelin-1 in vasculopathy managed with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (2020)
S. Dragić, D. Momčičević, B. Zlojutro, M. Jandrić, T. Kovačević, V. Đajić, A. Gajić, G. Talić, P. Kovačević, Serum levels of nitric oxide and endothelin-1 in vasculopathy managed with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, CLINICAL HEMORHEOLOGY AND MICROCIRCULATION, Vol. 75, No. 2, pp. 233 - 241, 2020