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"N Bogdanić"
Graded Cartan matrices of defect 2 blocks of symmetric groups (2013-07)
D. Bogdanić, Graded Cartan matrices of defect 2 blocks of symmetric groups, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 1250220 - 1250231, Jul, 2013 -
Grading Wild Blocks via Stable Equivalences (2015-07)
D. Bogdanić, Grading Wild Blocks via Stable Equivalences, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 5, pp. 125 - 132, Jul, 2015 -
Gradings on Semidihedral Blocks With Two Simple Modules (2015-07)
D. Bogdanić, Gradings on Semidihedral Blocks With Two Simple Modules, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 5, pp. 133 - 140, Jul, 2015 -
Gradings on semidihedral blocks with three simple modules (2015-07)
D. Bogdanić, Gradings on semidihedral blocks with three simple modules, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 5, pp. 141 - 152, Jul, 2015 -
Existence of gradings on associative algebras (2016-06)
D. Bogdanić, Existence of gradings on associative algebras, COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, Vol. 44, No. 7, pp. 3067 - 3076, Jun, 2016 -
Extensions between Cohen–Macaulay modules of Grassmannian cluster categories (2017-06)
D. Bogdanić, K. Baur, Extensions between Cohen–Macaulay modules of Grassmannian cluster categories, JOURNAL OF ALGEBRAIC COMBINATORICS, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 965 - 1000, Jun, 2017 -
Tri paradigme medijskoga diskursa (2019)
A. Bogdanić, Tri paradigme medijskoga diskursa, South Eastern European Journal of Communication, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 33 - 43, 2019 -
Computation of Positive Roots for Lie Algebras (2020)
D. Bogdanić, S. Jevđenić, Computation of Positive Roots for Lie Algebras, МАТ-КОЛ, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 33 - 40, 2020 -
Cluster categories from Grassmannians and root combinatorics (2020-12)
D. Bogdanić, K. Baur, A. Garcia Elsener, Cluster categories from Grassmannians and root combinatorics, NAGOYA MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, Vol. 240, pp. 322 - 354, Dec, 2020 -
Gradings on quaternion blocks with two simple modules (2021)
D. Bogdanić, Gradings on quaternion blocks with two simple modules, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 255 - 260, 2021 -
Gradings on quaternion blocks with three simple modules (2021)
D. Bogdanić, Gradings on quaternion blocks with three simple modules, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 319 - 325, 2021 -
Arithmetics of some sequences via 2-determinants (2021-05)
D. Bogdanić, M. Janjić, Arithmetics of some sequences via 2-determinants, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 517 - 526, May, 2021 -
The Fibonacci numbers in biology (2021-12)
D. Bogdanić, Н. Јањић, J. Skorucak, The Fibonacci numbers in biology, МАТ-КОЛ, Vol. XVII, No. 1, pp. 11 - 20, Dec, 2021 -
Invert transform and restricted words (2022)
D. Bogdanić, M. Janjić, Invert transform and restricted words, Bulletin of International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 27 - 39, 2022 -
Construction of Rank 2 Indecomposable Modules in Grassmannian Cluster Categories (2022)
D. Bogdanić, K. Baur, J. Li, Construction of Rank 2 Indecomposable Modules in Grassmannian Cluster Categories, Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 88, pp. 1 - 29, 2022 -
Indecomposable Modules in the Grassmannian Cluster Category ${\rm CM}(B_{5,10})$ (2022)
D. Bogdanić, I. Boroja, Indecomposable Modules in the Grassmannian Cluster Category ${\rm CM}(B_{5,10})$, KRAGUJEVAC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, Vol. 48, No. 6, pp. 907 - 920, 2022 -
A refeudalization of public discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Secularizing the ideology of nationalism and nationalizing the ideology of secular (2010)
A. Bogdanić, A refeudalization of public discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Secularizing the ideology of nationalism and nationalizing the ideology of secular, 2010 -
Three paradigms of journalistic discourse (2018-10)
A. Bogdanić, Three paradigms of journalistic discourse, Oct, 2018 -
Игор Р. Шафаревич --- вијек рада и борбе остављен покољенима у наслијеђе (2023)
Д.Д. Чвокић, Д. Богданић, Ј.А. Осипова, Игор Р. Шафаревич --- вијек рада и борбе остављен покољенима у наслијеђе, МАТ-КОЛ, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 99 - 114, 2023 -
Elementarna matematika (2019)
Д. Богданић, B. Nikolić, Elementarna matematika, Природно-математички факултет, Универзитет у Бањој Луци, 2019