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"N. Pržulj"
Dry matter accumulation and remobilization in winter barley as affected by genotype and sowing date (2015)
M. Mirosavljević, N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Hristov, I. Maksimovic, Dry matter accumulation and remobilization in winter barley as affected by genotype and sowing date, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 751 - 763, 2015 -
Relationship between Grain Yield and Agromonic Traits in Winter Barley (2015)
N. Pržulj, Relationship between Grain Yield and Agromonic Traits in Winter Barley, Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, Zbornik radova , Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 74 - 79, 2015 -
Prinos soje u ekstremnim godinama (2015)
M. Nozinic, N. Pržulj, V. Đorđević, Ž. Lakić, Š. Suljkanović, D. Spremo, Prinos soje u ekstremnim godinama, Letopis naučnih radova, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp. 33 - 43, 2015 -
Evaluation of Spring Barley Performance by Biplot Analysis (2015)
N. Pržulj, M. Mirosavljević, P. Čanak, M. Zorić, J. Boćanski, Evaluation of Spring Barley Performance by Biplot Analysis, CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 43, pp. 692 - 703, 2015 -
Veritas temporis filia est (2016)
N. Pržulj, D. Perović, M. Mirosavljević, M. Nozinic, Veritas temporis filia est, PLANT BREEDING, No. 22, pp. 53 - 62, 2016 -
The variation of agronomic traits associated with breeding progress in winter barley cultivars (2016)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, V. Aćin, P. Čanak, S. Dencic, The variation of agronomic traits associated with breeding progress in winter barley cultivars, ZEMDIRBYSTE-AGRICULTURE, No. 103, pp. 267 - 272, 2016 -
NS Kosmaj i NS Maestral – nove kvalitetne sorte novosadskog stočnog ječma (2017)
M. Mirosavljević, N. Pržulj, V. Momčilović, N. Hristov, NS Kosmaj i NS Maestral – nove kvalitetne sorte novosadskog stočnog ječma, Selekcija i semenarstvo , No. 22, pp. 73 - 78, 2017 -
Comparative study of seed yield and seed quality of advanced lines and commercial varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.). (2017)
B. Petković, N. Pržulj, V. Radić, M. Mirosavljević, Comparative study of seed yield and seed quality of advanced lines and commercial varieties of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)., LEGUME RESEARCH, Vol. 40, pp. 1066 - 1071, 2017 -
Effect of salinity and drought stress on germination and early seedlings growth of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). (2018)
M. Jovović, V. Tunguz, M. Mirosavljević, N. Pržulj, Effect of salinity and drought stress on germination and early seedlings growth of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)., GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 50, pp. 285 - 298, 2018 -
Identification of Favourable Testing Locations for Barley Breeding in South Pannonian Plain (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, P. Čanak, V. Momčilović, B. Jockovic, M. Zorić, V. Aćin, S. Dencic, N. Pržulj, Identification of Favourable Testing Locations for Barley Breeding in South Pannonian Plain, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 24, pp. 303 - 311, 2018 -
Dry matter accumulation of winter wheat and barley at different sowing dates. (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, N. Pržulj, I. Maksimovic, M. Delić- Putnik, Dry matter accumulation of winter wheat and barley at different sowing dates., Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Zbornik radova , Vol. 55, No. 2, pp. 94 - 97, 2018 -
Grain number and grain weight as determinants of triticale, wheat, two-rowed and six-rowed barley yield in the Pannonian environment. (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, S. Dencic, S. Mikić, D. Trkulja, N. Pržulj, Grain number and grain weight as determinants of triticale, wheat, two-rowed and six-rowed barley yield in the Pannonian environment., SPANISH JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. e0903 - e0903, 2018 -
Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina klasa i genetička struktura populacije u kolekciji jarih ječmova (2018)
A. Miletić, D. Panković, M. Zorić, N. Pržulj, G. Šurlan-Momirović, M. Jovanović, B. Radisavljević, D. Perović, Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina klasa i genetička struktura populacije u kolekciji jarih ječmova, Selekcija i semenarstvo , Vol. 24, pp. 49 - 58, 2018 -
Assessment of Dutch tomato hybrids grown in conditions of Western Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018)
I. Tošić, L. Bošković- Rakočević, T. Predić, N. Pržulj, B. Savić, V. Trkulja, Assessment of Dutch tomato hybrids grown in conditions of Western Bosnia and Herzegovina, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 50, pp. 933 - 942, 2018 -
Grain Filling Variation in Winter Wheat, Barley and Triticale in Pannonian Environments (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, P. Čanak, D. Trkulja, S. Mikić, B. Jockovic, N. Pržulj, Grain Filling Variation in Winter Wheat, Barley and Triticale in Pannonian Environments, CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, Vol. 46, pp. 697 - 706, 2018 -
Effects of sowing data on dry matter accumulation in two-rowed winter barley (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, I. Maksimovic, M. Putnik-Delić, L. Brbaklic, N. Pržulj, Effects of sowing data on dry matter accumulation in two-rowed winter barley, Selekcija i semenarstvo , Vol. XXIV, No. 1, pp. 1 - 9, 2018 -
Pre-anthesis development of winter wheat and barley and relationships with grain yield. (2018)
M. Mirosavljević, V. Momčilović, I. Maksimovic, M. Putnik-Delić, N. Pržulj, N. Hristov, N. Mladenov, Pre-anthesis development of winter wheat and barley and relationships with grain yield., PLANT SOIL AND ENVIRONMENT, Vol. 64, pp. 310 - 316, 2018 -
Produktivnost fakultativnih genotipova ovsa u jesenjoj i prolećnoj setvi (2019)
D. Madić, N. Pržulj, G. Đurašinović, Z. Jovović, Produktivnost fakultativnih genotipova ovsa u jesenjoj i prolećnoj setvi, Selekcija i semenarstvo , Vol. 25, pp. 1 - 8, 2019 -
Yield and content of nutrient elements in various cultivars of lettuce depending from production method (2019)
I. Tošić, M. Mirosavljević, N. Pržulj, M. Stošić, Yield and content of nutrient elements in various cultivars of lettuce depending from production method, GENETIKA-BELGRADE, Vol. 51, pp. 757 - 768, 2019 -
Rojal-nova sorta proljetnog ječma. (2019)
D. Madić, N. Pržulj, G. Đurašinović, Z. Jovović, Rojal-nova sorta proljetnog ječma., Selekcija i semenarstvo , Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 41 - 46, 2019