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"Nemanja Koljančić"
Characterization of Hydrocarbon Profile in Road Run- Off Sediments Samples by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (2022)
N. Koljančić, I. Samelak, M. Balaban, I. Španik, Characterization of Hydrocarbon Profile in Road Run- Off Sediments Samples by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Book of abstracts, 2022 -
The application оf alkane biological markers in the assessment of the origin of oil pollutants in the soil and recent river sediments (river Vrbas, Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2018)
I. Samelak, M. Balaban, N. Vidović, N. Koljančić, M. Antić, T. Šolević-Knudsen, B. Jovančićević, The application оf alkane biological markers in the assessment of the origin of oil pollutants in the soil and recent river sediments (river Vrbas, Bosnia and Herzegovina), JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 83, No. 10, pp. 1167 - 1175, 2018 -
Determination of biological markers of organic substances in sediment and soil samples by gas chromatography (2020)
N. Koljančić, O. Vyviurskaa, M. Balaban, I. Špánik, Determination of biological markers of organic substances in sediment and soil samples by gas chromatography, Acta Chimica Slovaca, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 34 - 40, 2020 -
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in assessment of road run-off sediment quality parameters (2022-09)
N. Koljančić, I. Samelak, M. Balaban, I. Špánik, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in assessment of road run-off sediment quality parameters, Separation Science plus, Vol. 5, pp. 473 - 481, Sep, 2022 -
Identifikacija organske supstance i analiza specifičnih biomarkera u uzorcima rijeke Vrbas metodom GC-MS (2018-11)
N. Koljančić, I. Samelak, M. Antić, B. Jovančićević, M. Balaban, Identifikacija organske supstance i analiza specifičnih biomarkera u uzorcima rijeke Vrbas metodom GC-MS, Zbornik radova, pp. 19 - 26, Nov, 2018 -
Assessment of oil pollution in river sediments (river Vrbas, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and coastal soil samples (2019)
N. Koljančić, O. Vyviurska, M. Balaban, M. Antić, I. Španik, Assessment of oil pollution in river sediments (river Vrbas, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and coastal soil samples, ISCC 2019 POSTER PRESENTATION Group 2: GC Applications, No. 27, 2019 -
Gasnohromatografsko određivanje zagađivača naftnog porijekla u zemljištu (2019-07-09T15:24:06.618Z)
Karakterizacija organskih komponenti u sedimentima sa područja grada Banja Luka (2017-11)
N. Koljančić, I. Samelak, M. Balaban, M. Antić, Karakterizacija organskih komponenti u sedimentima sa područja grada Banja Luka, pp. 134 - 146, Nov, 2017 -
Квалитативно одређивање присуства акриламида у кексу произведеном у Босни и Херцеговини (2018)
G. Petrović, I. Samelak, N. Koljančić, M. Antić, M. Balaban, Квалитативно одређивање присуства акриламида у кексу произведеном у Босни и Херцеговини, 2018