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"S Vujičić"
Urban Shrinkage in a “Shrinking” Serbia - the Approach to a Global Phenomenon in a Local Context (2017)
A. Djukić, B. Antonić, T. M. Vujičić, Urban Shrinkage in a “Shrinking” Serbia - the Approach to a Global Phenomenon in a Local Context, Geodetski vestnik, Vol. 61, No. 4, pp. 614 - 629, 2017 -
Torus-kvantizacija klasičnog atoma helijuma na Wannierovom grebenu (1995)
N. Simonović, Torus-kvantizacija klasičnog atoma helijuma na Wannierovom grebenu, Zbornik radova 9. kongresa fizičara Jugoslavije, urednik B. Vujičić (Društvo matematičara i fizičara Crne Gore i Drušvo fizičara Srbije), pp. 113 - 116, 1995 -
Torus quantization of hydrogen atom interacting with potential wall (1996)
J. Mahecha G., N. S. Simonović, Torus quantization of hydrogen atom interacting with potential wall, 18th SPIG, Book of Contributed Papers, edited by B. Vujičić and S. Đurović (Faculty of Sciences, Novi Sad), pp. 165 - 168, 1996 -
”Quantum dots”: Veštački atomi ili kvantna elektronika? (2004)
N. S. Simonović, ”Quantum dots”: Veštački atomi ili kvantna elektronika?, Zbornik radova sa (XI) kongresa fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore (CD-ROM), urednici N. Konjević, B. Vujičić i P. Miranović (Društvo matematičara i fizičara Crne Gore, Podgorica), pp. 153 - 156, 2004 -
Vremena života kvantnih stanja i struktura faznog prostora (2004)
N. S. Simonović, Vremena života kvantnih stanja i struktura faznog prostora, Zbornik radova sa (XI) kongresa fizičara Srbije i Crne Gore (CD-ROM), urednici N. Konjević, B. Vujičić i P. Miranović (Društvo matematičara i fizičara Crne Gore, Podgorica), pp. 61 - 64, 2004 -
Urban and architectural typology of industrial structure versus photographic typology – a comparative analysis (2011-09)
T. Vujičić, Urban and architectural typology of industrial structure versus photographic typology – a comparative analysis, PhIDAC 2011 Proceedings of III International symposium for students of doctoral studies in the fields of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Protection, pp. 369 - 376, Sep, 2011 -
Тowards a strategy of regeneration of urban landscape: brownfields as a strategic resource (2011-09)
D. Simonović, N. Novaković, T. Vujičić, Тowards a strategy of regeneration of urban landscape: brownfields as a strategic resource, Proceedings of I International Conference „Ecology of urban areas 2011“, pp. 439 - 449, Sep, 2011 -
Revitalizacija industrijske arhitektonske baštine Njemačke kao faktor jačanja regionalnog identiteta [Revitalization of industrial architectural heritage of Germany as a factor strengthening the regional identity] (2011-12)
T. Vujičić, Revitalizacija industrijske arhitektonske baštine Njemačke kao faktor jačanja regionalnog identiteta [Revitalization of industrial architectural heritage of Germany as a factor strengthening the regional identity], Zbornik radova [Elektronski izvor] "Međunarodni naučno stručni skup "Arhitektura i urbanizam, građevinarstvo, geodezija - juče, danas, sutra", pp. 395 - 402, Dec, 2011 -
Inventory of neglected and unused structures of former industrial complex Incel in Banja Luka (2014)
T. Vujičić, D. Simonović, D. Ilić, Inventory of neglected and unused structures of former industrial complex Incel in Banja Luka, BROWNINFO 2014 Proceedings of International Academic Conference, pp. 185 - 194, 2014 -
Аnalysis of yield position of public companies in the Republic of Srpska (2014-04)
Ј. Пољашевић, D. Vujičić-Radisavljević, Аnalysis of yield position of public companies in the Republic of Srpska, pp. 121 - 134, Apr, 2014 -
Projektovanje integrisane žičano/bežične komunikacione mreže bazirane na HART protokolu (2014-06)
M. Kostadinović, Z. Bundalo, A. Vujičić, B. Gojković, A. Stjepanović, P. Gojković, Projektovanje integrisane žičano/bežične komunikacione mreže bazirane na HART protokolu, Zbornik radova 3. konferencije Održavanje2014, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina, pp. 265 - 268, Jun, 2014 -
The influence of different normative reporting basics on the quality of the financial statements of micro, small and medium entities (2014-09)
Ј. Пољашевић, D. Vujičić-Radisavljević, The influence of different normative reporting basics on the quality of the financial statements of micro, small and medium entities, Sep, 2014 -
Improving government financial reporting in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of public service delivery (2014-09)
Ј. Пољашевић, D. Vujičić-Radisavljević, Improving government financial reporting in order to increase the transparency and efficiency of public service delivery, pp. 611 - 626, Sep, 2014 -
BrownInfo metodologija i softver: ključ aktiviranja lokalnih razvojnih potencijala (2015)
T. Vujičić, A. Đukić, D. Simonović, BrownInfo metodologija i softver: ključ aktiviranja lokalnih razvojnih potencijala, Zbornik radova XI Međunarodnog naučno-stručnog skupa Savremena teorija i praksa u garditeljstvu, pp. 557 - 564, 2015 -
Designing parking structures in service of public health (2015-06)
T. Trkulja, T. Vujičić, Designing parking structures in service of public health, Book of conference proceedings „Keeping up with technologies to make healthy places“, A. Fikfak, E. Vaništa Lazarević, N. Fikfak, M. Vukmirović, P. Gabrijelčič /eds./, pp. 225 - 231, Jun, 2015 -
Healthy workplace: utopia or reality of modern architectural design in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2015-06)
T. Vujičić, T. Trkulja, Healthy workplace: utopia or reality of modern architectural design in Bosnia and Herzegovina., Book of conference proceedings „Keeping up with technologies to make healthy places“, A. Fikfak, E. Vaništa Lazarević, N. Fikfak, M. Vukmirović, P. Gabrijelčič /eds./, pp. 45 - 51, Jun, 2015 -
Urban Design Competition and Megaprojects in a Context of Identity of Cultural Heritage: Case Study Belgrade`s Riverfronts (2017)
A. Đukić, A. Špirić, T. Vujičić, Urban Design Competition and Megaprojects in a Context of Identity of Cultural Heritage: Case Study Belgrade`s Riverfronts, Monographic Publication of ICOMOS Slovenia Protection and reuse of industrial heritage: Dilemmas, problems, examples, pp. 59 - 71, 2017 -
Greening as an Approach for Urban Renewal of Shrinking Cities (2018-11)
A. Đukić, T. Vujičić, B. Antonić, Greening as an Approach for Urban Renewal of Shrinking Cities, Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Urban Planning - ICUP2018, pp. 291 - 297, Nov, 2018 -
INSPIRE concept and digital data models (2018-04)
N. Mijić, G. Bartha, T. Vujičić, INSPIRE concept and digital data models, Conference Proceedings 6th International Conference Contemporary Achievements In Civil Engineering 2018, pp. 673 - 683, Apr, 2018 -
The Transformation of the Role of Demographic Decline in the Research of Urban Shrinkage (2018-11)
B. Antonić, A. Đukić, T. Vujičić, The Transformation of the Role of Demographic Decline in the Research of Urban Shrinkage, In V. Radonjanin & R. Folić (Eds.), Proceedings - iNDiS 2018 - 14th International scientific conference, Novi Sad: Faculty of Technical Sciences – Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy. ISBN 978-86-6022-105-8, pp. 639 - 646, Nov, 2018