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"Saša Petković"
Effects of the Establishment of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Performances of Small and Medium enterperises in Transition Countries: Empirical Evidences from Bosnia and Herzegovina (2019-03)
S. Petković, S.Sorak, Effects of the Establishment of Entrepreneurial Orientation on the Performances of Small and Medium enterperises in Transition Countries: Empirical Evidences from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, Vol. 22, pp. 37 - 67, Mar, 2019 -
Estimation of Price Elasticity of Demand for Cigarettes in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Macro Data Analysis (2020-06)
D. Gligorić, S. Petković, A. Pepić, J. Ateljević, B. Vukojević, Estimation of Price Elasticity of Demand for Cigarettes in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Macro Data Analysis, Economic Analysis, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 59 - 71, Jun, 2020 -
Impact of entrepreneurship on the quality of public health sector institutions and policies (2022-01)
J. Rastoka, S. Petković, D. Radicic, Impact of entrepreneurship on the quality of public health sector institutions and policies, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, Vol. 19, No. 1569, pp. 1 - 25, Jan, 2022 -
Environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility of business schools: is there evidence of transdisciplinary effects? (2022-03)
S. Petković, N. Alfirević, M. Zlatković - Radaković, Environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility of business schools: is there evidence of transdisciplinary effects?, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, pp. 1 - 25, Mar, 2022 -
Contribution of service-learning and supporting factors to the environmental sustainability commitment of higher education institutions (2022-05)
N. Alfirević, S. Petković, M. Zlatković Radaković, Contribution of service-learning and supporting factors to the environmental sustainability commitment of higher education institutions, Revija za socijalnu politiku,, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 87 - 104, May, 2022 -
Impact of digitalization on technological innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (2023-03)
D. Radicic, S. Petković, Impact of digitalization on technological innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, Vol. 191, No. 122474, pp. 1 - 16, Mar, 2023 -
Impact of Innovation and Exports on Productivity: Are There Complementary Effects? (2023-04)
S. Petković, J. Rastoka, D. Radicic, Impact of Innovation and Exports on Productivity: Are There Complementary Effects?, Sustainability, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 1 - 22, Apr, 2023 -
Извори финансирања малих и средњих предузећа у Републици Српској (2010-09)
S. Petković, Извори финансирања малих и средњих предузећа у Републици Српској, Зборник радова, 14. Конгрес Савеза рачуновођа и ревизора Републике Српске, Бања Врућица, Теслић, 23-25.09.2010, pp. 343 - 377, Sep, 2010 -
Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Institutional Support for Entrepreneurship and SMEs Development: An Empirical Study on Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (2011-10)
S. Petković, Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Institutional Support for Entrepreneurship and SMEs Development: An Empirical Study on Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Proceedings of 01st REDETE Conference Economic development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: A Review of Current Policy Approaches., pp. 506 - 527, Oct, 2011 -
Possibilities of forming venture capital funds in transitional countries: an empirical study in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2014-04)
S. Petković, J. Ateljević, I. Narić, Possibilities of forming venture capital funds in transitional countries: an empirical study in Bosnia and Herzegovina., Proceedings of 03rd REDETE Conference Economic development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Challenges in the Business Environment, Barriers and Challenges for Business Development, and Institutional Infrastructure., pp. 105 - 120, Apr, 2014 -
Моделирање структурне подршке МСП и предузетништва у Републици Српској (2014-09)
S. Petković, Моделирање структурне подршке МСП и предузетништва у Републици Српској, Зборник радова, 1. Међународне научно–стручне конференције Економског факултета Универзитета у Бањој Луци “Иновације и предузетништво – покретачи развоја и запошљавања”, pp. 48 - 67, Sep, 2014 -
Why Small and Medium Size Enterprises Are Dying: Empirical Evidences from Bosnia and Herzegovina. (2015-10)
S. Petković, B. Sašić, C. Jäger, V. Ramadani, Why Small and Medium Size Enterprises Are Dying: Empirical Evidences from Bosnia and Herzegovina., In Proceedings of 4th International Conference “Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Assessment of the last 25 years, going beyond the transition. University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Economics, pp. 228 - 248, Oct, 2015 -
Еntrеprеnеurial orientation and managerial activities of school principals in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016-10)
N. Alfirević, S. Petković, Еntrеprеnеurial orientation and managerial activities of school principals in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, In Proceedings of 5th REDETE International Conference “Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: Is free trade working for transitional and developing economies?”, pp. 559 - 570, Oct, 2016 -
University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions in Transitional Countries: Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia (2017-03)
S. Petković, M. Krneta, A. Alfirević, University Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions in Transitional Countries: Insights from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia, In Proceedings of 6th South East European Meeting & Scientific Conference of Management Departments:“Contemporary entrepreneurial management and organization in the digital era in transition countries: obstacles and possibilities“, pp. 191 - 205, Mar, 2017 -
E-school development and quality of management and leadership in educational systems in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina (2017-05)
N. Alfirević, S. Petković, E-school development and quality of management and leadership in educational systems in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina, In Proceedings of 12th International Conference “Challenges of Europe: Innovative Responses for Resilient Growth and Competitivness”, pp. 261 - 274, May, 2017 -
Higher education students' understanding of natural and social sustainability: Preliminary empirical research in South East Europe (2019-10)
N. Alfirević, S. Petković, D. Mihanović, Higher education students' understanding of natural and social sustainability: Preliminary empirical research in South East Europe, Proceedings of 07th REDETE Conference, pp. 64 - 76, Oct, 2019 -
Утицај финансијске конкурентности привреде на економски развој Републике Српске (2014)
С. Вученовић, С. Петковић, Ж. Јовичић, Д. Томаш, Д. Миловановић, М. Добриловић, М. Чопрка, М. Граховац, Утицај финансијске конкурентности привреде на економски развој Републике Српске, Економски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, Бања Лука, 2014 -
Економика и управљање малим и средњим предузећима. Принципи и политике (2013)
С. Петковић, Ш. Берберовић, Економика и управљање малим и средњим предузећима. Принципи и политике, Бања Лука: Економски факултет Универзитета у Бањој Луци, 2013 -
Предности и ограничења докапитализације малих и средњих предузећа (2010)
Д. Микеревић, С. Петковић, Предности и ограничења докапитализације малих и средњих предузећа, Финрар, Vol. 9, No. 8, pp. 18 - 25, 2010 -
Мечмејкинг програм у функцији привредног опоравка: Емпиријска студија у Републици Српској. (2013-06)
С. Петковић, Б. Новарлић, Мечмејкинг програм у функцији привредног опоравка: Емпиријска студија у Републици Српској., Acta Economica, Vol. 11, No. 19, pp. 95 - 126, Jun, 2013