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"Slavko Marić"
Jedan pristup za vizuelizaciju CWM-bazirane šeme relacione baze podataka (2012-03)
I. Tomić, D. Brđanin, S. Marić, Jedan pristup za vizuelizaciju CWM-bazirane šeme relacione baze podataka, Zbornik radova simpozijuma INFOTEH - Jahorina 2012, vol. 11, pp. 639 - 642, Mar, 2012 -
Towards the Automated Business Model-Driven Conceptual Database Design (2012-09)
D. Brdjanin, S. Maric, Towards the Automated Business Model-Driven Conceptual Database Design, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 186, pp. 31 - 43, Sep, 2012 -
Softverski alat za automatsku vizuelizaciju UML dijagrama aktivnosti (2013-03)
A. Malešević, D. Brđanin, S. Marić, Softverski alat za automatsku vizuelizaciju UML dijagrama aktivnosti, Zbornik radova simpozijuma INFOTEH - Jahorina 2013, vol. 12, pp. 619 - 623, Mar, 2013 -
Tool for automatic layout of business process model represented by UML activity diagram (2013-07)
A. Malesevic, D. Brdjanin, S. Maric, Tool for automatic layout of business process model represented by UML activity diagram, Proc. of the EUROCON 2013, pp. 537 - 542, Jul, 2013 -
UML profil za reprezentaciju šeme relacione baze podataka (2014-03)
I. Tomić, D. Brđanin, S. Marić, UML profil za reprezentaciju šeme relacione baze podataka, Zbornik radova simpozijuma INFOTEH - Jahorina 2014, vol. 13, pp. 1262 - 1266, Mar, 2014 -
Automated Synthesis of Initial Conceptual Database Model Based on Collaborative Business Process Model (2014-09)
D. Brdjanin, G. Banjac, S. Maric, Automated Synthesis of Initial Conceptual Database Model Based on Collaborative Business Process Model, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 311, pp. 145 - 156, Sep, 2014 -
Automatsko generisanje konceptualnog modela baze podataka na osnovu kolaborativnog modela poslovnog procesa (2015-03)
G. Banjac, D. Brđanin, S. Marić, Automatsko generisanje konceptualnog modela baze podataka na osnovu kolaborativnog modela poslovnog procesa, Zbornik radova XIV međunarodnog naučno-stručnog simpozijuma INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2015, pp. 481 - 486, Mar, 2015 -
On Suitability of Standard UML Notation for Relational Database Schema Representation (2016-06)
D. Brdjanin, S. Maric, Z. Spasić Pavkovic, On Suitability of Standard UML Notation for Relational Database Schema Representation, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 248, pp. 399 - 413, Jun, 2016 -
Инверзни инжењеринг шеме релационе базе података заснован на метамоделу рјечника података (2022-10-14T10:06:38.915Z)
Performanse Memcached API pristupa MySQL serveru (2014-03)
Ј. Јокић, M. Savić, С. Марић, Performanse Memcached API pristupa MySQL serveru, ИНФОТЕХ 2014 Зборник радова, pp. 774 - 778, Mar, 2014 -
Performance measurements of some aspects of multi-threaded access to key-value stores (2015-11)
D. Stjepanović, M. Savić, Ј. Јокић, С. Марић, Performance measurements of some aspects of multi-threaded access to key-value stores, Telecommunications Forum Telfor (TELFOR), 2015 23rd ISBN 978-1-5090-0054-8, pp. 831 - 834, Nov, 2015