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"Snježana Popović-Pejičić"
Efficacy of gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor(orlistat) in therapy of obesity with concomitant hyperlipidemia (2003)
S. Popović-Pejičić, J. Komić, Efficacy of gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor(orlistat) in therapy of obesity with concomitant hyperlipidemia, 2003 -
The Diagnostic Significance of the TRH test in the elderly (2003)
S. Popović-Pejičić, The Diagnostic Significance of the TRH test in the elderly, 2003 -
Subklinički hipotireoidizam kod žena sa starenjem (2003)
S. Popović-Pejičić, Subklinički hipotireoidizam kod žena sa starenjem, pp. 8 - 8, 2003 -
Prevalence of osteoporosis in Republic of Srpska and the most common risk factors (2004)
Г. Стефановски, T. Lukač, S. Popović-Pejičić, M. Lazić, Prevalence of osteoporosis in Republic of Srpska and the most common risk factors, pp. 102 - 102, 2004 -
re-hospital treatment of acute poisoning by chemical agents (2006)
N. Banjac, S. Popović-Pejičić, G. Oplakan, re-hospital treatment of acute poisoning by chemical agents, pp. 53 - 54, 2006 -
Significance of early diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomous neuropathy in diabetics (2006)
S. Popović-Pejičić, L. Todorović-Đilas, D. Rodić, Significance of early diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomous neuropathy in diabetics, pp. 45 - A, 2006 -
Značaj rane dijagnostike kardiovaskularne - autonomne neuropatije kod oboljelih od šećerne bolesti (2006-06)
S. Popović-Pejičić, L. Todorović-Đilas, Đ. Stojičić, D. Rodić, Značaj rane dijagnostike kardiovaskularne - autonomne neuropatije kod oboljelih od šećerne bolesti, VIII Kongres interne medicine Srbije i Crne Gore, Zbornik sažetaka, pp. 34 - 35, Jun, 2006 -
Sigificance of early diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomous neuropathy in diabetics (2006-10)
S.M. Popovic-Pejicic, L. Todorovic-Djilas, D.Rodic, Sigificance of early diagnosis of cardiovascular autonomous neuropathy in diabetics, The 1st World Congres on Controversies in Obesity, Diabetes and Hypertension, Program and Abstracts, Oct, 2006 -
The Role of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in pathogenesis of ishemic cardiac disease in patients with diabetes mellitus (2007)
S. Popović-Pejičić, L. Todorović-Đilas, P. Pantelinac, The Role of cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in pathogenesis of ishemic cardiac disease in patients with diabetes mellitus, pp. 34 - 36, 2007 -
Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy- Predispose Microvascular Complications in Diabetic type 2 (2008)
Popovic- Pejicic S, Rodic D, Beric D, Radosevic b, Soldat Stankovic V, Malesevic G, Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy- Predispose Microvascular Complications in Diabetic type 2, 2008 -
Cardiovascular tests importanece in diagnostic od diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy. (2008-11)
S. Popovic-Pejicic, D. Rodic, G.Malesevic, S. Dunovic, Cardiovascular tests importanece in diagnostic od diabetic cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy., The 2end World Congresson Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperthension (CODHy). Congress Program, pp. 79A - 80A, Nov, 2008 -
Diabetic autonomic neuropathy – predispose microvascular complications in diabetic type 2 (2008-11)
S. Popovic-Pejicic, D.Rodic, D. Beric, B. Radosevic, V. Soldat, G.Malesevic, Diabetic autonomic neuropathy – predispose microvascular complications in diabetic type 2, The 2end World Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hyperthension (CODHy). Barselona, Spain 2008;Congress Program, pp. 80A - 80A, Nov, 2008 -
Nacionalni program dijabetološke zaštite u Republici Srpskoj (2009)
S. Popović-Pejičić, Nacionalni program dijabetološke zaštite u Republici Srpskoj, 2009 -
Uticaj strukturisane edukacije na regulaciju glikemije kod osoba sa dijabetesom tipa 1. (2011)
S. Popović-Pejičić, G. Malešević, В. Станковић-Солдат, B. Radošević, Uticaj strukturisane edukacije na regulaciju glikemije kod osoba sa dijabetesom tipa 1., 2011 -
Gojaznost-preventivni ili predisponirajući faktor za razvoj osteoporotičnih fraktura (2011)
S. Popović-Pejičić, Gojaznost-preventivni ili predisponirajući faktor za razvoj osteoporotičnih fraktura, 2011 -
Učestalost osteporoze i najčešći faktori rizika za osteoporotične frakture kod postmenopauzalnih žena regije Banjaluka (2011)
V. Aksentić, Н. Рашета, S. Popović-Pejičić, N. Grubiša-Vujasinović, D. Štrkić, Učestalost osteporoze i najčešći faktori rizika za osteoporotične frakture kod postmenopauzalnih žena regije Banjaluka, pp. 14 - 14, 2011 -
Impact of structured testing on level of glycaemic control (2011)
S. Popović-Pejičić, V. Karlović, Impact of structured testing on level of glycaemic control, 2011 -
Uticaj autonomne disfunkcije na kardiovaskularnu funkciju kod oboljelih sa dijabetes melitusom tipa 2 (2011)
S. Popović-Pejičić, S. Dunović, Uticaj autonomne disfunkcije na kardiovaskularnu funkciju kod oboljelih sa dijabetes melitusom tipa 2, pp. 19 - 24, 2011 -
Assessment of cystatin C for determining renal function in type 2 diabetic patients (2012)
S. Popović-Pejičić, I. Risović, V. Vlatković, S. Avram, D. Berić, B. Vuković, Assessment of cystatin C for determining renal function in type 2 diabetic patients, 2012 -
The impact of comprehensive patient management with structured self monitoring blood glucosae on glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2. (2012)
S. Popović-Pejičić, Z. Asimi, The impact of comprehensive patient management with structured self monitoring blood glucosae on glycaemic control in diabetes mellitus type 2., 2012