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"Srđan Kostić"
A new approach to grid search method in slope stability analysis using Box-Behnken statistical design (2015)
S. Kostić, N. Vasović, A new approach to grid search method in slope stability analysis using Box-Behnken statistical design, APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION, Vol. 256, pp. 425 - 473, 2015 -
Robust optimization of concrete strength estimation using response surface methodology and Monte Carlo simulation (2016)
S. Kostić, Н. Васовић, Б. Маринковић, Robust optimization of concrete strength estimation using response surface methodology and Monte Carlo simulation, ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, pp. 1 - 14, 2016 -
Slope instabilities in Western Serbia caused by intensive rainfall in spring 2014 (2016)
Д. Јевремовић, Д. Сунарић, S. Kostić, А. Дангић, Slope instabilities in Western Serbia caused by intensive rainfall in spring 2014, Geološki glasnik, pp. 61 - 110, 2016 -
Mechanics of weathered clay-marl rock masses along the rupture surface in homogeneous dry slopes (2016)
S. Kostić, И. Гуранов, Н. Васовић, Д. Кузмановић, Mechanics of weathered clay-marl rock masses along the rupture surface in homogeneous dry slopes, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS, Vol. 43, pp. 85 - 98, 2016 -
Slope Stability Analysis Based on Experimental Design (2016-01)
S. Kostić, Н. Васовић, Д. Сунарић, Slope Stability Analysis Based on Experimental Design, International Journal of Geomechanics, pp. 1 - 11, Jan, 2016 -
Stability of earth slopes under the effect of main environmental properties of weathered clay–marl deposits in Belgrade (Serbia) (2016-03)
S. Kostić, Н.Васовић, Д. Јевремовић, Stability of earth slopes under the effect of main environmental properties of weathered clay–marl deposits in Belgrade (Serbia), ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 75:492, pp. 1 - 10, Mar, 2016 -
. A Review on Enhanced Stability Analyses of Soil Slopes Using Statistical Design (2017)
S. Kostić, . A Review on Enhanced Stability Analyses of Soil Slopes Using Statistical Design, Handbook of Research on Trends and Digital Advances in Engineering Geology (Ceryan, N., Ed.), IGI Global., Hershey, pp. 446 - 481, 2017 -
Analytical models for estimation of slope stability in homogeneous intact and jointed rock mass with a single joint (2017)
S. Kostić, Analytical models for estimation of slope stability in homogeneous intact and jointed rock mass with a single joint, International Journal of Geomechanics, pp. 1 - 13, 2017 -
Геотехничка истраживања терена за изградњу тржног центра ,,Меркур'' на Карабурми (Београд) (2009)
Д. Ракић, А. Николић, S. Kostić, З. Берисављевић, Геотехничка истраживања терена за изградњу тржног центра ,,Меркур'' на Карабурми (Београд), pp. 123 - 128, 2009 -
Uticaj strukturnih svojstava stenskih masa na izbor elemenata sidrenja u kosinama (2010)
S. Kostić, Uticaj strukturnih svojstava stenskih masa na izbor elemenata sidrenja u kosinama, pp. 1539 - 1544, 2010 -
Предлог класификације стенских маса за потребе израде Основне инжењерскогеолошке карте (2010)
S. Kostić, Предлог класификације стенских маса за потребе израде Основне инжењерскогеолошке карте, pp. 62 - 63, 2010 -
Landslide risk in Serbia – case study Jovac landslide (2011)
Д. Јевремовић, S. Kostić, Landslide risk in Serbia – case study Jovac landslide, pp. 640 - 644, 2011 -
Conditions for the occurrence of megalandslides in Serbia and their effect on natural environment (2011)
Д. Сунарић, Д. Јевремовић, S. Kostić, Conditions for the occurrence of megalandslides in Serbia and their effect on natural environment, pp. 369 - 374, 2011 -
1977 Jovac landslide – a new overlook on environmental effects and material loss (2011)
Д. Јевремовић, S. Kostić, 1977 Jovac landslide – a new overlook on environmental effects and material loss, pp. 193 - 197, 2011 -
Geotouristic objects revealed by geotechnical activity (2011)
Д. Јевремовић, S. Kostić, Geotouristic objects revealed by geotechnical activity, pp. 229 - 231, 2011 -
Stick-slip frictional instability as model for earthquakes (2011)
Н. Васовић, S. Kostić, Stick-slip frictional instability as model for earthquakes, pp. 165 - 168, 2011 -
Анализа сезмодеформација терена према Еврокоду ЕЦ-8. (2011)
S. Kostić, Анализа сезмодеформација терена према Еврокоду ЕЦ-8., pp. 1 - 8, 2011 -
Inženjerskogeološki uslovi formiranja seizmodinamičkih deformacija terena u nevezanim stenskim masama (2012)
S. Kostić, Inženjerskogeološki uslovi formiranja seizmodinamičkih deformacija terena u nevezanim stenskim masama, 2012 -
Time-delay in spring-block model for aperiodicity in earthquakes (2012)
S. Kostić, И. Франовић, К. Тодоровић, Н. Васовић, Time-delay in spring-block model for aperiodicity in earthquakes, 2012 -
Deterministic chaos in a model of fault-slip rockburst (2012)
S. Kostić, И. Франовић, К. Тодоровић, Н. Vasović, Deterministic chaos in a model of fault-slip rockburst, pp. 39 - 44, 2012