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"Tatjana Pesic-Brdjanin"
Overview of dissemination and raising awareness activities within the project WBCInno (2015-09)
P. Marić, T. Pešić-Brđanin, Overview of dissemination and raising awareness activities within the project WBCInno, Proceedings of WBCInno International Conference, pp. 97 - 100, Sep, 2015 -
Intermodulation Distortion of Class D Audio Amplifier using Pulse Density Modulation (2016)
S. Kovačević, Т. Pešić-Brđanin, J. Galić, Intermodulation Distortion of Class D Audio Amplifier using Pulse Density Modulation, Zbornik radova konferencije "Zooming Innovation in Consumer Electronics International Conference", pp. 45 - 48, 2016 -
Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Design (2016-01)
B. Dokić, T. Pešić-Brđanin, D. Čavka, Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Design, Jan, 2016 -
Logatomska razumljivost FM demodulisanog signala (2016-03)
S. Kovačević, T. Pešić-Brđanin, J. Galić, Logatomska razumljivost FM demodulisanog signala, Proceedings of Symposium Infoteh, pp. 344 - 348, Mar, 2016 -
Sub-circuit model of fully-depleted double-gae FinFET including the effects of oxide and interface trapped charge (2016-09)
T. Pešić-Brđanin, N. Janković, Sub-circuit model of fully-depleted double-gae FinFET including the effects of oxide and interface trapped charge, Proceedings of IEEE Region 8 EuroCon Conference, pp. 273 - 276, Sep, 2016 -
Class AB High Power Audio Amplifier (2018-06)
J. Milošević, T. Pešić-Brđanin, J. Galić, Class AB High Power Audio Amplifier, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computing Engineering, IcETRAN, Jun, 2018 -
Електрична мјерења: практикум за лабораторијске вјежбе (2017)
A. Avramović, Т. Пешић-Брђанин, Електрична мјерења: практикум за лабораторијске вјежбе, Универзитет у Бањој Луци, Електротехнички факултет, 2017 -
Class-D Audio Amplifier using Pulse Width Modulation (2016)
J. Galić, Т. Пешић-Брђанин, L. Iriškić, Class-D Audio Amplifier using Pulse Width Modulation, Zbornik radova konferencije SSSS, pp. 133 - 136, 2016 -
Logatome intelligibility analysis of the FM demodulated signal (2017-06)
С. Ковачевић, J. Galić, Т. Пешић-Брђанин, Logatome intelligibility analysis of the FM demodulated signal, pp. TEI1.6 1 - 4, Jun, 2017 -
Class D Audio Amplifier with Reduced Distortion (2018)
С. Ковачевић, Т. Пешић-Брђанин, J. Galić, Class D Audio Amplifier with Reduced Distortion, 2018