The frequency of risk faktors for cardiovascular diseases in the general population at the primary health care Banja Luka (BiH)


The frequency of risk faktors for cardiovascular diseases in the general population at the primary health care Banja Luka (BiH)


K. Stanetić, V. Antonić Kovljenović, M. Račić, The frequency of risk faktors for cardiovascular diseases in the general population at the primary health care Banja Luka (BiH), XVI WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE, Book of abstracts (CD-room), pp. 132, Malaga, Spain, 2010.





Bibliographic Citation

K. Stanetić, V. Antonić Kovljenović, M. Račić, The frequency of risk faktors for cardiovascular diseases in the general population at the primary health care Banja Luka (BiH), XVI WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE, Book of abstracts (CD-room), Malaga, Spain, Sep, 2010

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XVI WONCA EUROPE CONFERENCE, Book of abstracts (CD-room)
Malaga, Spain

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