Obesity types and hypertension


Obesity types and hypertension


D. Rakić, V. Petrović, M. Popović, Z. Ruso, J. Vižintin, Obesity types and hypertension, In: Book of abstracts of the II congres of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonija with international participation, pp. 93, Macedonian medical association, Association of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2008.





Bibliographic Citation

D. Rakić, V. Petrović, M. Popović, Z. Ruso, J. Vižintin, Obesity types and hypertension, In: Book of abstracts of the II congres of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonija with international participation, Macedonian medical association, Association of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, Jun, 2008

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In: Book of abstracts of the II congres of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonija with international participation
Ohrid, Macedonia


Macedonian medical association, Association of GP doctors of Republic of Macedonia

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