Fisibility study - EU RED EC PROJECT " ANIWASTE - The European 's CARDS programe - The integral solving of waste problem from farms and slaughter houses in NW B&H Region


Fisibility study - EU RED EC PROJECT " ANIWASTE - The European 's CARDS programe - The integral solving of waste problem from farms and slaughter houses in NW B&H Region


Tica G., Fisibility study - EU RED EC PROJECT " ANIWASTE - The European 's CARDS programe - The integral solving of waste problem from farms and slaughter houses in NW B&H Region, 2005.





Bibliographic Citation

Tica G., Fisibility study - EU RED EC PROJECT " ANIWASTE - The European 's CARDS programe - The integral solving of waste problem from farms and slaughter houses in NW B&H Region, 2005

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