Addendum to “A simpler solution of the Dirac equation in a Coulomb potential,” by Bernard Goodman and Sinisa R. Ignjatovic [Am. J. Phys. 65, 214-221 (1997)]
Addendum to “A simpler solution of the Dirac equation in a Coulomb potential,” by Bernard Goodman and Sinisa R. Ignjatovic [Am. J. Phys. 65, 214-221 (1997)]
B. Goodman, S. Ignjatović, Addendum to “A simpler solution of the Dirac equation in a Coulomb potential,” by Bernard Goodman and Sinisa R. Ignjatovic [Am. J. Phys. 65, 214-221 (1997)], American Journal of Physics vol. 66, pp. 637 - 637, 1998.
Bibliographic Citation
B. Goodman, S. Ignjatović, Addendum to “A simpler solution of the Dirac equation in a Coulomb potential,” by Bernard Goodman and Sinisa R. Ignjatovic [Am. J. Phys. 65, 214-221 (1997)], American Journal of Physics vol. 66, pp. 637 - 637, 1998
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American Journal of Physics vol. 66
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