"Geopolitics of Resources" as a political-geographical paradigm: The importance of natural potentials in the valorization of the geopolitical position of the Republic of Srpska (entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
"Geopolitics of Resources" as a political-geographical paradigm: The importance of natural potentials in the valorization of the geopolitical position of the Republic of Srpska (entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
UDK 911. 3
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Bibliographic Citation
Zekanović I., "Geopolitics of Resources" as a political-geographical paradigm: The importance of natural potentials in the valorization of the geopolitical position of the Republic of Srpska (entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina), Političeskaя geografiя i geopolitika v Rossii: istoričeskiй opыt i sovremennostь. Materialы Meždunarodnoй naučnoй konferencii, posvящennoй 150 letiю so dnя roždeniя vыdaющegosя rossiйskogo geografa V.P. Semёnova-Tяn-Šansko, pp. 276 - 287, Dec, 2021
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Meždunarodnaя naučnaя konferenciя «Političeskaя geografiя i geopolitika v Rossii: istoričeskiй opыt i sovremennostь», posvящennoй 150-letiю so dnя roždeniя vыdaющegosя rossiйskogo geografa V.P. Semёnova-Tяn-Šanskogo.
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See all items with this valuePolitičeskaя geografiя i geopolitika v Rossii: istoričeskiй opыt i sovremennostь. Materialы Meždunarodnoй naučnoй konferencii, posvящennoй 150 letiю so dnя roždeniя vыdaющegosя rossiйskogo geografa V.P. Semёnova-Tяn-Šansko
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