Susceptibility to Visual Merchandising and Compulsive Buying: Examining the Mediating Effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivations


Susceptibility to Visual Merchandising and Compulsive Buying: Examining the Mediating Effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivations





Bibliographic Citation

J. Dostanić, B. Mirković, Susceptibility to Visual Merchandising and Compulsive Buying: Examining the Mediating Effect of Hedonic Shopping Motivations, In Damjanović, K., Tošković, O. and Marković, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology (Beograd, 29TH – 31ST, March 2019), Beograd: Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade, pp. 115 - 117, Mar, 2019

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Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji

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In Damjanović, K., Tošković, O. and Marković, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXV Scientific Conference Empirical Studies in Psychology (Beograd, 29TH – 31ST, March 2019), Beograd: Faculty of philosophy, University of Belgrade

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