Comparative analysis of wastewater and solar energy as renewable energy sources


Comparative analysis of wastewater and solar energy as renewable energy sources





Bibliographic Citation

D. Kardaš, P. Gvero, M. Komatina, G. Tica, Comparative analysis of wastewater and solar energy as renewable energy sources, 14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - DEMI 2019, Proceedings, pp 279 - 287, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2019

presented at

Međunarodna konferencija o dostignućima u oblasti mašinstva i industrijskog inženjerstva – DEMI 2019

Is Part Of

14th International Conference on Accomplishments in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering - DEMI 2019, Proceedings, pp 279 - 287, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering


list of authors

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