Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania


Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania





Bibliographic Citation

Igor Jokanović, Bojana Grujić, Dragana Zeljić, Žarko Grujić, Mila Svilar, Costs of performance based maintenance for local roads: Case study Albania, Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow Curent Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow, Sep, 2017

presented at

XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow

Is Part Of

Proceedings of the XVI International Scientific Conference Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow Curent Issues of Civil and Environmental Engineering in Kosice-Lviv-Rzeszow

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