The Relationship between Perception of Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schemas: Evidence from Study on Adolescents and Young Adults in Macedonia and Serbia


The Relationship between Perception of Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schemas: Evidence from Study on Adolescents and Young Adults in Macedonia and Serbia


ISBN 978-608-238-109-1



Bibliographic Citation

A. Fritzhand, T. Mirović, A. Hadžić, The Relationship between Perception of Parenting style and Early Maladaptive Schemas: Evidence from Study on Adolescents and Young Adults in Macedonia and Serbia, Proceedings from the International Conference on Theory and Practice in Psychology, pp. 171 - 196, Nov, 2016

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presented at

International Conference on Theory and Practice in Psychology, ICTPP, Departmnt of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia

Is Part Of

Proceedings from the International Conference on Theory and Practice in Psychology

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