Cross-sectoral perception of financing and economic instruments of forest governance in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina


Cross-sectoral perception of financing and economic instruments of forest governance in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina





Bibliographic Citation

S. Mutabdžija Bećirović, M. Avdibegović, Dž. Bećirović, B. Marić, S. Delić, D. Čomić, Š. Pezdovšek Malovrh, Cross-sectoral perception of financing and economic instruments of forest governance in the Federation of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Proceedings of extended Abstracts: International IUFRO Symposium Cross-sectoral policy impact on managerial economics and accounting in forestry, May, 2015

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International IUFRO Symposium Cross-sectoral policy impact on managerial economics and accounting in forestry

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Proceedings of extended Abstracts: International IUFRO Symposium Cross-sectoral policy impact on managerial economics and accounting in forestry

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