Selection of a thinning method in artificially grown stand of black pine (Pinus nigra arn.) in the area of Srpske Toplice – Banja Luka


Selection of a thinning method in artificially grown stand of black pine (Pinus nigra arn.) in the area of Srpske Toplice – Banja Luka





Bibliographic Citation

Z. Govedar, M. Krstić, S. Keren, Selection of a thinning method in artificially grown stand of black pine (Pinus nigra arn.) in the area of Srpske Toplice – Banja Luka, 2015

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Materialы meždunarodnoй naučno-praktičeskoй Internet – konferencii, “Lesnoe hozяйstvo 2014. Aktualьnыe problemы i puti ih rešeniя”, Ministerstvo selьskogo hozяйstva Rossiйskoй federacii,


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