Growth analysis of beech provenances (Fagus sylvatica L.)in the international progeny test near Kakanj in Bosnia and Herzegovina


Growth analysis of beech provenances (Fagus sylvatica L.)in the international progeny test near Kakanj in Bosnia and Herzegovina





Bibliographic Citation

D. Ballian, V. Daničić, M. Mataruga, S. Kvesić, B. Cvjetković, Growth analysis of beech provenances (Fagus sylvatica L.)in the international progeny test near Kakanj in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Book of apstracts, Sep, 2014

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50 Jahre Bayerisches Amt für forstliche Saat- und Pflanzenzucht., 4. Jahrestagung vom 10-12 September 2014 in Teisendorf

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