Reality and Magic in Jeanette Winterson`s „Sexing the Cherry”. (Rad saopšten na naučnoj konferenciji CELLS – Going Against the Grain, Banja Luka, 6-8. juni 2013. godine).


Reality and Magic in Jeanette Winterson`s „Sexing the Cherry”. (Rad saopšten na naučnoj konferenciji CELLS – Going Against the Grain, Banja Luka, 6-8. juni 2013. godine).





Bibliographic Citation

T. Popović, Reality and Magic in Jeanette Winterson`s „Sexing the Cherry”. (Rad saopšten na naučnoj konferenciji CELLS – Going Against the Grain, Banja Luka, 6-8. juni 2013. godine)., 2013

presented at

CELLS – Conference on English Language and Literary Studies Going Against the Grain Contemporary Approaches to the Study of Language, Literature and Culture


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