Early math beetwen the culture of teaching and the culture of playing: example from Republic of Srpska


Early math beetwen the culture of teaching and the culture of playing: example from Republic of Srpska


ISBN 978-85-7613-430-5



Bibliographic Citation

T. Pribisev Beleslin, Early math beetwen the culture of teaching and the culture of playing: example from Republic of Srpska, 28 Simposio Mundial da OMEP Primeira Infancia no Seculo XXI: direito das crincas de viver, brincar, explorar e conhecer o mondo, pp. 161 - 162, 2013

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presented at

Early Childhood in the 21st Century: children's right to live, play, explore and learn about the world around them

Is Part Of

28 Simposio Mundial da OMEP Primeira Infancia no Seculo XXI: direito das crincas de viver, brincar, explorar e conhecer o mondo


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