The canonical of correlation of coordination and other anthropomotorical abilities of the dancers of the modern dance /disco dance/
The canonical of correlation of coordination and other anthropomotorical abilities of the dancers of the modern dance /disco dance/
See all items with this valueConference Paper
Bibliographic Citation
D. Stošić, S. Uzunović, R. Kostić, A. LJubojević, J. Marković, The canonical of correlation of coordination and other anthropomotorical abilities of the dancers of the modern dance /disco dance/, XVI Scientific Conference "Fis Communications 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference - Book of Proceedings, pp. 115 - 121, 2013
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Fis komunikacije, Univerzitet u Nišu
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See all items with this valueXVI Scientific Conference "Fis Communications 2013" in physical education, sport and recreation and I International Scientific Conference - Book of Proceedings
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