Strategic analysis for the bioenergy sector in Western Balkan countries as well as Moldova and Ukraine


Strategic analysis for the bioenergy sector in Western Balkan countries as well as Moldova and Ukraine





Bibliographic Citation

C. Perakis, V. Papandreou, S. Ntoulas, E. Alexopoulou, P. Gvero, S. Petrovic, J. Domac, K. Popovski, C. Bordeianu, V. Nikcevic, B. Glavonjic, D. Stojiljkovic, T. Zheliezna, C. Panoutsou, Strategic analysis for the bioenergy sector in Western Balkan countries as well as Moldova and Ukraine, Proceedings 18th European Biomass Conference Lyon, France, (pp. 2347-2353), 2010

presented at

18th European Biomass Conference

Is Part Of

Proceedings 18th European Biomass Conference Lyon, France, (pp. 2347-2353)

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