Correlation between duration of diabetes mellitus and severity of diabetic polyneuropathy.
Correlation between duration of diabetes mellitus and severity of diabetic polyneuropathy.
See all items with this valueConference Paper
Bibliographic Citation
D. Prtina, T. Talić, D. Živanić, L. Stojković-Topić, S. Jandrić, Correlation between duration of diabetes mellitus and severity of diabetic polyneuropathy., Abstract book, 15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicne, 44th Congreso Nacional de la sociedad Espanola de Rehabilitacion y Medicina Fisica, Madrid, Spain, may 16-20 2006, May, 2006
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15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicne, 44th Congreso Nacional de la sociedad Espanola de Rehabilitacion y Medicina Fisica, Madrid, Spain, may 16-20 2006
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See all items with this valueAbstract book, 15th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicne, 44th Congreso Nacional de la sociedad Espanola de Rehabilitacion y Medicina Fisica, Madrid, Spain, may 16-20 2006
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