Detection of human Polyoma BK virus in upper urothelium tumors of the patients with endemic nephropathy.


Detection of human Polyoma BK virus in upper urothelium tumors of the patients with endemic nephropathy.





Bibliographic Citation

M. Petković, M. Vrhovac, S. Janjetović, T. Jovanović, M. Bujko, Detection of human Polyoma BK virus in upper urothelium tumors of the patients with endemic nephropathy., 12th International Congress of Virology. 27th July to 1st August 2002. Paris, France (0,5x3=1,5), Jul, 2002

presented at

12th International Congress of Virology. 27th July to 1st August 2002. Paris, France

Is Part Of

12th International Congress of Virology. 27th July to 1st August 2002. Paris, France (0,5x3=1,5)


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