The Expiry of Humira® Market Exclusivity and the Entry of Adalimumab Biosimilars in Europe: An Overview of Pricing and National Policy Measures


The Expiry of Humira® Market Exclusivity and the Entry of Adalimumab Biosimilars in Europe: An Overview of Pricing and National Policy Measures





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E. Moorkens, B. Godman, I. Huys, I. Hoxha, A. Malaj, S. Keuerleber, S. Stockinger, S. Mortenhuber, M. Dimitrova, K. Tachkov, L. Vlahović-Palčevski, V. Vlahović-Palčevski, G. Achniotou, J. Slaby, L. Popelkova, K. Kohoutova, D. Bartels, O. Laius, J. Martikainen, G. Selke, V. Kourafalos, E. Magnusson, R. Einarsdottir, R. Adams, R. Joppi, E. Allocati, A. Jakupi, A. Viksna, I. Greičiute-Kuprijanov, P. Vella Bonanno, V. Suttorp, O. Melien, R. Plisko, I. Mardare, D. Meshkov, T. Novakovic, J. Furst, C. Zara, V. Marković Peković, N. Grubiša, G. Befrits, R. Puckett, A. Vulto, The Expiry of Humira® Market Exclusivity and the Entry of Adalimumab Biosimilars in Europe: An Overview of Pricing and National Policy Measures, Frontiers in Pharmacology, pp. 1 - 17, Jan, 2021


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