Women leaders in Cardiology. Contemporary profile of the WHO European region


Women leaders in Cardiology. Contemporary profile of the WHO European region





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N. Borrelli, M. Brida, A. Cader, J. Sabatino, K. Czerwinska-Jelonkiewicz, A. Shchendrygina8, A. Wood, E. Allouche, M. Avesani, G. Gok, O. Marchenko, C. Calvieri, A. Baritussio, F. Ilardi, N. Caglar, S. Moscatelli, I. Kotlar, M. Treˆpa, M. Gimenez Rubini, C. Chrysohoou, L. Jovovic, K. Proksel, I. Simkova, N. Babazade, J. Siller-Matula, F. Chikhi, T. Kovačević-Preradović, E. Srbinovska, V. Johnson, M. Farrero, S. Moharem-Elgamal, A. Gimelli, Women leaders in Cardiology. Contemporary profile of the WHO European region, European Heart Journal Open, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jul, 2021

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