Screening for Glucose Perturbations and Risk Factor Management in Dysglycemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease-A Persistent Challenge in Need of Substantial Improvement: A Report From ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V


Screening for Glucose Perturbations and Risk Factor Management in Dysglycemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease-A Persistent Challenge in Need of Substantial Improvement: A Report From ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V





Bibliographic Citation

G. Ferrannini, D. De Bacquer, G. De Backer, K. Kotseva, L. Mellbin, D. Wood, L. Rydén, T. Kovačević-Preradović, Screening for Glucose Perturbations and Risk Factor Management in Dysglycemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease-A Persistent Challenge in Need of Substantial Improvement: A Report From ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V, DIABETES CARE, Vol. 43, No. 4, Apr, 2020

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