Dosimetric Comparison: Intensity Modulated Radioation Therapy Vs. 3D Conformal Radiotherapy In Prostate Cancer Radical Treatment.Ser J Exp Clin Res. 2022;23(1):29-36


Dosimetric Comparison: Intensity Modulated Radioation Therapy Vs. 3D Conformal Radiotherapy In Prostate Cancer Radical Treatment.Ser J Exp Clin Res. 2022;23(1):29-36





Bibliographic Citation

S. Marić, S. Lukić, M. Mijailović, Lj. Tadić-Latinović, M. Žigić, P. Banović, Dosimetric Comparison: Intensity Modulated Radioation Therapy Vs. 3D Conformal Radiotherapy In Prostate Cancer Radical Treatment.Ser J Exp Clin Res. 2022;23(1):29-36, Serbian Journal of Experimental and Clinical Research, Jan, 2022

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