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"A Ivanović"
Need for improvement of knowledge in food business companies (2010)
R. Grujić, M. Ivanović, S. Grujić, B. Antonić, D. Vujadinović, Need for improvement of knowledge in food business companies, Book of abstracts. XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (with international participation), September 23rd – September 26th 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, pp. p - 159, 2010 -
Studies of Eutypa dieback of grapevine in Serbia (2010)
V. Trkulja, S. Gajic, M. Ivanovic, T. Vasic, Studies of Eutypa dieback of grapevine in Serbia, 2010 -
Implementacija i konfiguracija EtherCAT sistema (2010-03)
M. Knežić, B. Dokić, Ž. Ivanović, Implementacija i konfiguracija EtherCAT sistema, Zbornik radova Naučno-stručnog Simpozijuma INFOTEH-JAHORINA 2010, pp. 30 - 34, Mar, 2010 -
Uticaj vremena transmisije EtherCAT okvira na efikasnost mreže za slučaj asimetričnog saobraćaja (2010-06)
M. Knežić, B. Dokić, Ž. Ivanović, Uticaj vremena transmisije EtherCAT okvira na efikasnost mreže za slučaj asimetričnog saobraćaja, Zbornik radova 54. Konferencije za ETRAN, pp. 1 - 4, Jun, 2010 -
Proposed Algorithm for Wireless Control of Electric Wheelchair by Head Movement (2011)
A. Pajkanović, B. Dokić, B. Blanuša, Ž. Ivanović, M. Knežić, Proposed Algorithm for Wireless Control of Electric Wheelchair by Head Movement, 2011 -
Analitički model efikasnosti podizača napona (2011-06)
Ž. Ivanović, B. Blanuša, M. Knežić, Analitički model efikasnosti podizača napona, Zbornik radova 55. Konferencije za ETRAN, pp. 1 - 4, Jun, 2011 -
Power Loss Model for Efficiency Improvement of Boost Converter (2011-10)
Ž. Ivanović, B. Blanuša, M. Knežić, Power Loss Model for Efficiency Improvement of Boost Converter, Proceedings of the XXIII International Symposium on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT 2011), pp. 1 - 6, Oct, 2011 -
Rezultati liječenja karijesa u ranom djetinjstvu pastama za remineralizaciju na bazi kazein fosfopeptida - amorfnog kalcijum fosfata (2012)
J. Vojinović, M. Ivanović, M. Obradović, O. Dolić, S. Sukara, Rezultati liječenja karijesa u ranom djetinjstvu pastama za remineralizaciju na bazi kazein fosfopeptida - amorfnog kalcijum fosfata, 2012 -
Echocardiographic assessment of right heart function in patients on chronic haemodialysis. (2012)
T. Kovačević-Preradović, B. Vujisić-Tešić, B. Ivanovic, M. Preradović, P. Kovačević, B. Jakovljević, S. Srdić, Echocardiographic assessment of right heart function in patients on chronic haemodialysis., Abstracts form the World Congress of Cardiology Scientific Session. Circulation 2012;125:e823, 2012 -
GPRS-Based Electrical Energy Monitoring System (2012-11)
M. Knežić, Ž. Ivanović, B. Dokić, GPRS-Based Electrical Energy Monitoring System, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Industrial Electronics (INDEL 2012), pp. 282 - 284, Nov, 2012 -
An Analysis of Stand-by Power Consumption in Republika Srpska (2012-11)
Z. Ivanovic, M. Knezic, T. Pesic-Brdjanin, An Analysis of Stand-by Power Consumption in Republika Srpska, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium Industrial Electronics (INDEL 2012), pp. 285 - 288, Nov, 2012 -
Negativna iskustva u porodici i anksioznost mladih kao potencijalni riziko faktori zlostavljanja (2013)
N. Letić, B. Ivanović, T. Marković-Basara, S. Miščević, Negativna iskustva u porodici i anksioznost mladih kao potencijalni riziko faktori zlostavljanja, Zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa Vrijednosti i protivrječja društvene stvarnosti, pp. 271 - 291, 2013 -
Performance Analysis of the Ethernet Powerlink PollResponse Chaining Mechanism (2015-05)
M. Knežić, B. Dokić, Ž. Ivanović, Performance Analysis of the Ethernet Powerlink PollResponse Chaining Mechanism, Proceedings of the 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), pp. 1 - 4, May, 2015 -
Opcije tretmana gigantske ICA aneurizme kod pacijenata sa ozbiljnim komorbiditetom (2016)
V. Saratlić, S. Marić, V. Ivanišević, Z. Ivanović, Z. Mirvić, Opcije tretmana gigantske ICA aneurizme kod pacijenata sa ozbiljnim komorbiditetom, 2016 -
Hirurški tretman MCA aneurizme (2016)
V. Saratlić, V. Ivanišević, Z. Ivanović, Z. Mirvić, Hirurški tretman MCA aneurizme, 2016 -
Model of High Efficiency Solar System with DC/DC Converter (2016-02)
B. Blanuša, Ž. Ivanović, B. Dokić, Model of High Efficiency Solar System with DC/DC Converter, Proceedings of the SSSS 2016, pp. 67 - 71, Feb, 2016 -
V. Gojković, Ž. Marjanović-Balaban, M. Vukić, D. Vujadinović, B. Bodiroga, M. Ivanović, R. Grujić, DETERMINATION OF GLUTEN CONTENT IN FOOD PRODUCTS DECLARED AS GLUTEN AND GLUTEN ¸¸FREE¸¸, PROCEEDINGS, pp. 359 - 372, 2017 -
Kontrola i manipulacija u partnersakim vezama adolescenata i kohezivnost-adaptabilnost njihovih porodica. (2018)
N. Vaselić, B. Ivanović, S. Miščević, Kontrola i manipulacija u partnersakim vezama adolescenata i kohezivnost-adaptabilnost njihovih porodica., pp. 191 - 209, 2018 -
Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns (2018-10)
I. Kasagić-Vujanović, B. Jančić-Stojanović, D. Knežević, D. Ivanović, Investigation of the retention mechanisms of amlodipine besylate, bisoprolol fumarate and their impurities on three different HILIC columns, pp. 401 - 402, Oct, 2018 -
Morphological and molecular identification of Eutypa lata on grapevine in Serbia. (2019)
V. Trkulja, S. Živković, T. Vasić, M. Ivanović, M. Jevremović, J. Marković, Morphological and molecular identification of Eutypa lata on grapevine in Serbia., pp. 479 - 483, 2019