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"Diana Bogdan"
Biomass and waste water as sustaiable energy sources (2017)
D. Kardaš, D. Bogdan, Biomass and waste water as sustaiable energy sources, International Scentific Journal Industry 4.0, Vol. 2, No. 1/2017, pp. 29 - 33, 2017 -
Biomass and waste water as sustaiable energy sources (2017-03)
D. Kardaš, D. Bogdan, Biomass and waste water as sustaiable energy sources, Proceedings, pp. 97 - 101, Mar, 2017 -
Review and characterization of hidraulic transport of the Omarska mine till 2016. (2017-10)
D.Bogdan, Lj.Tankosić, D. Torbica, Review and characterization of hidraulic transport of the Omarska mine till 2016., Book of Proceedings I, pp. 141 - 151, Oct, 2017 -
Korišćenje TRNSYS softvera kao alata u dimenzionisanju i optimizaciji sistema za solarno zagrijavanje tople potrošne vode (2019-11)
D. Bogdan, P. Gvero, M. Kotur, Korišćenje TRNSYS softvera kao alata u dimenzionisanju i optimizaciji sistema za solarno zagrijavanje tople potrošne vode, ENEF 2019, pp. 84 - 89, Nov, 2019